Chapter 9

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Sarah's POV

            "I'm coming for you now Sarah!" I heard my father say.  With that I sat straight up in the bed out of breath. I must have been dreaming about my father again. He said he was coming after me now. What does this mean? I started to look around the room and I noticed I wasn't home. I also realized I have been in this room before. It was Kyle's. Why was I in his room? Oh no. Please tell me I didn't sleep with him. I looked down to see that I was still wearing my costume from  last night, well now I know that we didn't. Thank goodness, I have no clue what I would do if I did. Now where was he at? Before I got out of the bed I saw him come in the room. "What the hell am I doing in your room?" I asked. He came and laid down next to me. He seemed really worn out. "You were drunk and you wanted to lay in my bed." He said. I then noticed he was shirtless. I looked at his chest. Oh how good he looks. Snap out of it Sarah. Before I could say something else the smell hit me. Blood. "You are bleeding." I stated. I then saw he had a big cut on his arm. "Yes, I got into a fight last night." I grabbed his arm and started looking at it. "Are you just going to leave it open? This is a deep cut, you need to at least put bandages on it." I told him. "It's fine. it will heal with some rest." He said pulling his arm back to him. "I'm not letting you leave that cut open. " I said getting out of the bed and going to his side. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm getting you out of the bed so I can put bandages on this." I said pulling his hands to get him out of bed. He was heavier than he looks. "You won't leave this alone will you?" He said finally sitting up. "Nope." I told him.  The other reason I wanted to cover this cut up was because seeing the blood is just making me hungry.  I grabbed his hand and took him to the bathroom. I put his arm under some water. "Ow." He said. I could tell he was still really tired.  I smiled. I then started to put medicine and wrap bandages on his arm. Throughout the whole time I was doing that he kept his gaze on me. "Why do you always stare at me when I am treating you?" I asked while wrapping the last bandage. "It keeps me calm." He said looking at me. I just smiled.

          "Well its all done now. You can go to sleep. Which speaking of which when was the last time you had any sleep?" I asked while he went back to his bed to lay down. "Not since you went over Alice's to pick your costume." I was shocked. That was over a day ago. "Well I better get going then." I told him while heading to his door. "You can stay if you want." He said calmly. I  smiled that he wanted me to stay. That also brought a memory back from last night, where I told him to stay with me. I also remembered that I told him that I might have loved him and then I kissed him. My first kiss was when I was drunk, and with him. I would have preferred to not have had my first kiss drunk , but it's too late to take it back now. "I have to get home before my mother starts worrying." I told him. "I will see you later then." He said with a yawn. And with that I left. 

           While walking to my house I noticed I was dressed as a wolf still. I then threw the hat, gloves, and I ripped the tail off from the back of the dress in the trash. Okay, I don't think my mom will know what I went as now.  I then walked inside and my mom used her vampire speed and stood in front of me with a huge smirk. "Um did you want something?" I asked. "Well I heard the dance ended last night around 11 o clock. And here it is 8 in the morning and you are finally home. So tell me how the night with Kyle went." Oh no. I thought. I knew she wouldn't let it go until I told her something. "It was fine mom. I mainly hung with out with my friends anyway." "Mhm. I bet you did. Now when will I meet him?" This couldn't get any worse. "Umm..." She looked at me waiting for an answer. Come on Sarah, think. I'll just lie, hopefully she wouldn't be listening in on my heartbeat. "You won't. Because it didn't work out with me and him." The small part of me was upset that I said that, but I needed some reason. "Really? Well if that's the case then I guess I don't have to meet him." Thank you she bought it. "I was just really happy because I thought you finally got a boyfriend. "She said turning to go to the couch. "Its okay mom. I'll get one some day. " She gave me a warm smile. With that I went to my room. 

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