Chapter 11

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Sarah's POV

              "Are you going to tell me what's bothering you darling or not?" Before even seeing the face I knew it was my father's. Why was he  here? "I'm not your darling!" I sneered He then came out from the shadows and pinned me to the tree. "Oh yes you are. You are mine! " He said brushing a piece of my hair back so it was exposing a side of my neck. Please don't bite me. He then looked into my eyes. I tried to look away, but he then grabbed my chin and made me look at him.  "Now tell me what is bothering you my precious." As much as I didn't want to tell him, I had to. Which I knew that was because he compelled me.  "Mom, she is forbidding me from seeing my boyfriend." "Your mother isn't very nice is she? I know your little boyfriend is a wolf and you are his mate. Now if I was still living with y'all I would let you see him. Because like you said times have changed, and we should try to make peace." He must have been listening in to my conversation with my mother. "I know. How about you take me with you to that dinner on Thursday? " "I'll never take you anywhere. You monster!" I yelled. I then yanked free from his grasp and ran as fast I could away. But before I knew it he was in front of me again. He grabbed my arms and held me still. "You will take me to that dinner!" As much as I tried to look away from his eyes so he wouldn't compel me I couldn't move. I was frozen with fear. "I will take you to the dinner." I repeated. I hated how he was controlling me. Why is he doing all of this? "Good. I I don't want anyone to know I'm back in town. Especially your mother. So you won't remember seeing me tonight. All you remember is you are bringing me to the dinner. And you will be happy about it.  " He said compelling me again. I hated being this weak. "I won't tell anyone I saw you, I will just remember to bring you to the dinner and I will be happy about it. " I repeated. Then before I knew it I was standing alone in the woods again. 

        I started walking, I don't know where I was walking to or even how long I was going  walk for, but I just needed to walk. I needed to clear my head. My mother hates Kyle just because he is a wolf. To be honest I was the same way, but then I got to know him and he is actually a really great guy.  While walking I felt myself getting hungrier. Here I go again I thought. I then stopped walking and listen out for an animal. I then heard a deer. I then used my vamp speed to it. When I got to the deer I saw a wolf , that had blood on running down its leg. It looked like it got cut by something. I noticed the wolf wasn't normal size meaning it was a werewolf. My hunger was getting stronger. The wolf noticed me and started to walk slowly towards me growling. Great. I felt my teeth sharpen. 'Kill it' The monster inside me said. I then looked back to where the deer was and I saw it was gone. Great, my dinner was gone. I looked back to the wolf, I started to back away. This caused it to walk faster to me. Why can't it just leave me alone. I looked back at its leg, the smell of blood was over whelming .  Before I knew it I used my vamp speed, and my mouth went to its leg. The warm liquid going down my throat just made me crave more. This blood was different. It tasted more like human. The wolf howled. This pulled me out of my thoughts. Which then I felt myself being thrown. My back hit a tree. Well that's going to hurt later on. The wolf then started stalking towards me.  It's eyes glowing red. Oh no. I remember learning in school that wolves with red eyes are rogues. Which they aren't good. When the wolf got to me it raised its other front paw and aimed it towards me. I was paralyzed with fear that I couldn't move. This was it. I thought. I was going to die by a rogue. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the paw, but it didn't come. When I opened my eyes I saw a big black wolf pin the red eyed wolf to the ground. Snapping, and growling. The red eyed wolf tried to fight back but it was struggling a lot because it only had one good front leg. The black wolf then bit into the other wolf's neck. Which then it went limp. The black wolf then turned towards me. I immediately noticed it's blue eyes. Kyle. Oh my gosh! Kyle just killed a wolf. Kyle started walking towards me. It had blood on its snout. I tried to back away, not wanting to get near blood right now. Kyle then stopped. Seeing that I was scared. Which I wasn't scared of Kyle I was scared of hurting him. I have tasted human blood in the first time in years, so right now my body was craving more and more. Which this whole area was over whelming due to the blood from the other wolf.  I stood up . Before I could say anything the wolf shifted. There stood Kyle naked. I just kept my eyes on his, and trying to not look any further. He then walked over to me. 

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