Teke Teke

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The 'teke-teke ' also known as tek-tek or bata bata is a ghost of japanese school girl roams train stations of Japan.

In life this girl was a scary cat and people always paid practical jokes on her.One day, at the train station after school ,her friends decided to put Aki Cada a bug that appears in summer in Japan on her shoulder. Sadly this turned out to be a deadly prank.She was so scared that she fell off of the platform and was hit by the Shinkasen,the fastest train in Japan and her body was split in 2.

She now roams as a vengeful spirit carrying a scythe or a saw an moves about on her own hands or elbows ,dragging her upper torso behind her.She's known to kill people by splitting them in half with the harsh speed of the Shinkasen to make her victims feel like her pain as she does so ,she makes a scratching or take a decade sound.Anyone she encounters at night ,if they are not fast enough ,she will have sliced half at the torso to mimic her own disfigurement.

From this origin,many stories have been told of this spirit.

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