Eight Feet Tall

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Eight Feet Tall or Hachishakusama is a Japanese urban legend.This urban legend is about a super tall woman.She wears white dress and abducts children.She makes a creepy sound like po po po po.

I don't know if it is male or female,I will take it as female.This is very similar to me,I am a child and I visit my grandparents house every summer break.

There is a girl and she visits her grandparents every summer break.She goes to their house and she enjoys and have a great time.They have a huge backyard and this girl just loves playing there.Until one day ,she was laying in the grass in the backyard,looking up in the sky,just relaxed.All of a sudden she hears po po po po .She was  saying to herself what the heck is that?Where is this coming from?She noticed a straw hat sitting on top of the hedges. This straw hat is just not sitting on the hedges ,there was actually a head and body attached to the hat .So somebody was wearing it but ducking a bit.Then the po po po sound started to happen again.She then saw a face looking at her.This was the woman who was eight feet tall and then she slowly started to walk away.This kid was like what the heck.Then she ran as fast as she could to her grandparents and told them everything she saw.Her grandparents are ignoring her because they thought she is some kind of joking.As soon as she described what she saw ,her grandparents looked terrified.They are questioning about her.The girl was so confused that she had no idea what was going on.Her grandparents were freaked out but they were trying to hide it out so the child is not freaked out.Then she is like What's happening?What's the big deal?Her grandparents told her you've been liked by Hachishakusama.She haunts this place,she is haunting this for years.Different people see her with different kind but her height is always same.SO this little girl is freaking out but she has no idea what she saw.Her grandparents told her if this woman saw you,you are gonna die in few days.

So if you listen po po po ,run away as you know she is coming

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