Green Lady Cemetery

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Green Lady Cemetery is an urban legend from Burlington Connecticut.Green lady's name was Elizabeth and she lived with her husband beside a cemetery.It was winter time and the storm was very bad one day.So her husband went out to get food and supplies.He was delayed by few hours.Elizabeth was so scared that she thought the worst things possible that could happen to her husband.So she went out to find her husband.She was looking all over for her husband.She made it into the woods which led her to a swamp.She accidentally wandered into that swamp, which was very scary because then she was trapped.She started sinking but she cannot move or get out.So she was sinking and crying for help.As she was sinking ,her husband was carrying a lantern and he was coming home.He heard her screaming and crying over there in the swamp.So he walked over and watched her sinking.No matter how many times she was crying and screaming for help,he just stood there and watched her.Unfortunately the water rose above her head and she drowned.

Since then,there have been many reports of seeing a ghostly figure of a woman who looks like a green mist walking along the dirt roads.They say that Elizabeth's ghost  came back to haunt her husband until he would die as he refused to save his wife.Her ghost drove him insane bacause she was constantly in front of his face,haunting him.

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