Hello Kitty

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Hello Kitty was created by a Chinese woman in 1970s.She created this cartoon because her daughter had mouth cancer and it was a terminal and doctors have told her that her daughter was gonna die and nobody wants to her hear that.Her daughter was only 14 years old.So the mother then took it to religion.She started praying to God that Please help my daughter,Please let the cancer go but it only got worse.So the mom started praying to Devil and started doing static ritual.The mother made a deal with the devil himself that make her daughter live and the devil only wanted 1 thing in return.The thing was that he wanted the mother to create a contact that children will love worldwide,they should be tricked in worshipping me.The mother said "I'll do it."Later the daughters cancer go away.The mother got stuck in the deal and she created hello kitty.

I'm sure you know how hello kitty looks like.

The mother created hello kitty with no mouth because her daughter was having mouth cancer.The ears of hello kitty represents the horns of devil.The HELLO KITTY MEANS,"Hell of hello" and "Kitty means demon in Chinese."

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