La Mala Hora

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La Mala Hora is a Mexican Urban Legend.This legend is also called La Malora ,La Malorga or The Evil-Doer.

It is said to be a wicket spirit or an evil demon that wanders the lonely country roads after midnight and terrorizes those who travel alone.It usually lurks in the darkness at the crossroads,waiting for an unwary traveler to cross its path.

According to some it is feared more than the devil.It first appears as a large black lump constantly moving and changing shapes.It can also change signs rapidly,growing larger and smaller.They say it looks like a ghostly black shroud or large black cotton ball.At other times,it transformed into a wicket woman,a female personification of evil.She appears wearing black clothing,her hair long and unkempt.She's like a spirit or wind floating around along without touching the ground with her feet.People in New Mexico say that seldom appears in human form but when she does,it is considered to be a death omen.If you encounter her  at crossroads,it usually means you or somebody you know is going to die.

Anyone who is unfortunate enough to set eyes on this demon,runs the risk of being insane.It tries to hypnotize and paralyze anyone who happens to encounter it at night. When it attacks,it suddenly rushes towards the unwary victim and develops him and suffocates him.The following morning the poor wretch is found dead at the side of the road.

When pressed for more detailed information about this demon,the people of New Mexico will refuse to talk about it and just reply,"Es cosa mala!" (It's an evil thing!)

Story-Once a man has to go out for work so his wife decided to stay at her friend's house.She went out at night and at the crossroad,a dark shape appeared in front of the car.The woman screamed and slammed on the breaks.After some distance,she was relief.Then she turned to her right and saw a hideous old lady banging on the window,like she was going to break it.She rushed the car to her friend's house.When she reached at her friend's house,she told what happened.Her friend said "She must be La Mala Hora.The evil one.They say she only appears on a crossroads when someone is about to die."The woman was so terrified that she cannot sleep.The next day she rushed to her house,not by the crossroad because she was terrified of it.When she reached her house,she saw police standing there.The police asked her,her name and told her "Your husband was shot in his head and he died instantly."

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