Purple Mirror

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This is a Japanese urban legend.This story is about a young girl who is very vain,her mother gave her this mirror and she spend hours staring at her reflection in this mirror. One day she wanted to decorate this mirror so she decided to paint it purple.This girl developed an eating disorder. She became anorexic because she thought she is fat and wanted to lose so much weight to be super slim.When she looked at her mirror before she painted it purple,she saw perfection.She was looking kind of sickly but she never saw though.She was basically skin and bones.After she painted her mirror purple ,she couldn't look at herself in the mirror anymore. Whenever she saw her reflection ,she saw herself as super ugly.She was so angry ,so upset,so sat that she took her mirror and smashed it into a million pieces. On this girl's 20th birthday she was hit by a car and instantly killed.Her last words were "purple mirror,purple mirror,purple mirror".After her funeral her parents went to her bedroom searching for the purple mirror but they couldn't find it.After her funeral ,several dead young people were found dead.They were found dead under mysterious circumstances. Another weird thing was they all died on their 20th birthday.No cause of death was ever found.One thing that they had in common was parts of purple mirror were found in there bedroom.

They say to this day if you remember the phrase purple mirror you will die on your 20th birthday.

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