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It's been two days since you met Jimin. He's kept his music low enough for you to barley be able to hear. As cold and gloomy the weather has been, you're staring to feel just a little bit better of having let go of that relationship. There's still loneliness lingering. Your parents are travelers now, enjoying their free lives, your friends are all married or deeply connected to their jobs. And you? Well, things must get better.

Jimin was in his apartment, beginning his annual Christmas decorating with a very happy heart. He had his music on as always, but comfortable enough for you to barely hear it. He had just pulled all the boxes full of decorations down and was now staring down at them wondering where he'd start.

As he stood there, eyeing each box, he heard you stub your toe on who knows what and let out a sudden snort of laugher when he heard your sudden "FUCK." He smiled gently as he shook his head and cleared his throat. His eyes slowly looked over to his speakers, gaining a troublesome idea. His hand reached over to his speakers as he turned it up slowly. It was in an uneasy effort to hear you curse at him to turn it down again. It was actually fun for him to hear you so angry as evil as that sounded.

As you sat on the couch and rubbed the pain away from your toe you heard his Christmas music become increasingly louder. It was annoying, but you didn't want to tell him anything after his introduction two days ago..."Park..Jimin?" You asked yourself, loosing yourself in a recollection of that night.

Christmas was still a few weeks away, but you had put nothing up. As you looked up around your room you wondered what the point was. Your apartment would definitely look nicer, but all that effort would be for only yourself to enjoy and you were too lazy to do all that...but you still loved Christmas, so something small had to be done to get you feeling a little happier.

"Maybe I can.....bake something?" You said out loud, wondering if you had the necessary ingredients. After checking everywhere, you didn't, so you dressed yourself up properly to go to the grocery store. You slipped into your shoes and wrapped your scarf on.

Your keys jingled into your pocket as you locked your apartment and began walking towards the elevator but a door swung open. You jumped back with wide eyes, startled at this sudden "attack." There was your neighbor with his smile, "sure I'll turn down the music," he said, confusing you.

There were a few seconds of extremely awkward silence as you both stared at each other attempting to understand what the hell was going on. "What?" You finally asked, fixing your posture and looking at him quite normally unlike your usual tired or annoyed face. The question was not because you were confused on what he said, but because you didn't hear him over his loud ass music.

Jimin noticed your very different but bright complexion. You seemed more composed and much more welcoming. It made him feel a jolt of happiness. "Wait you didn't-" he sighed and stood calmly, "where are you going?" He asked curiously as he held on to the door frame.

You scrunched your face and shook your head in confusion again as you leaned closer, "what?!" You asked, pointing at your ears. Jimin made a sudden realization face and ran over to his speakers, turning it off. "I asked where you're going?" He said as he walked back to you.

This had been the first time you checked him out and damn..... fuck........ he's fine.

"Just to the grocery store," you said as your eyes roamed around him who was walking back to you but you met his eyes when he got to the door. He perked up, "can I go with you? Lemme get my scarf!" He said as he plopped down and began putting his boots on and then ran off to get his scarf, not even waiting for a yes or no from you. Your lips parted to reply but seeing his quick actions made you shrug, "okay yeah sure you can come," you said almost to yourself.

He came back with his scarf messily wrapped around himself as he took his keys and locked his apartment. He did everything so quick that it didn't even give you time to realize you two were actually going together. "Okay," he said as he let out a quick sigh and looked at you with a very lovely expression. You stared at him with raised eyebrows for a moment. "Okay?" You said randomly as you began walking to the elevator.

It felt strange to walk with him, your neighbor. You barely knew his name. Actually, he obviously loves music and might like stealing the neighbors coupons but that's none of your business. "So what's your name?" He asked as you both stepped into the elevator. This felt extremely weird to you. He didn't feel creepy or perverted. It was just really weird to you. All this time without talking and now you're going to the grocery store together all of a sudden, but even still, him asking if he could come with you with that level of excitement made you a bit happy that someone wanted to be around you. That or he really needed to go to the store too. What are you even supposed to ask him? How old he is? If he has pets?

You lingered in thought, almost ignoring his question for too long to make it awkward as your eyes roamed around his gently smiling face, but he was patient. "My name is (y/n)," you said, looking away quickly and facing forward. He nodded and looked forward again.

You both stepped out the elevator and into the main lobby. "Hey it's actually sunny today!" Jimin said, starting to unwrap his scarf but you quickly reached over and grabbed his scarf to stop him. He looked down at you in surprise and question, "no don't do that. It's still cold and windy," you said as you fixed his scarf tidily, better than he had. You noticed him looking at you for longer than you expected.

"I heard a girl died because she thought like you and took her scarf off and went out into the cold. She got sick and passed away," you said, backing up your quick action. He looked scared now and lost in thought as if imagining the story. "Let's go," you said as you both stepped out. You both felt the cold wind hit your face sharply. Your scarf had exposed your neck just a tiny bit from the forceful wind but Jimin was quick to notice.

He reached over and quickly pulled your scarf up to completely cover your neck, "im not carrying you in again if you die this time," he revealed to you. Your face became from surprised to surprised². Now you were able to put a face on the person who helped you up. It threw you off completely, but it also made you feel you could trust him. "Thank you," you simply said and he smiled and replied, "now..what did you need from the store?"

Winter (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now