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You fell in tears from the mans heavy grip and pulled your jeans up unsuccessfully up to your thighs. You were just too weak to move. He hadn't got the chance to get his way with you, thanks to Jimin. You cried, but in thankfulness that he came to rescue you.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You heard Jimin say as he held the man up with a sharp pocket knife. "You deserve this," Jimin said as he pointed the pocket knife at the mans bulge that was protected only by his boxers. His belt was unbuckled, giving Jimin the chance to do as he pleased. "No, please don't," the man said with a fake plead before he started laughing. Jimin elbowed him right in the eye as the man groaned in pain and anger. "You think this is a fucking joke? This is funny to you? HUH?!" Jimin said as his grip on the mans throat tightened.

"Oh I think it's funny how you come to rescue this fine princess you've captured for yourself. Why don't you share huh? Imagine, you and I fucking her nicely as she cries for someone to help her, but her own prince is fucking her guts out," he said with a disgusting smile. Jimin's teeth clenched, "you're fucking disgusting," he said as he grabbed his head before jamming his knee in his face, breaking his nose and leaving him bloody on the ground.

He turned to you and his face softened, "(y/n)," he said softly as he reached to help you up, but didn't know how it'd be proper, considering there way this man grabbed you, but you trusted him. He gently placed his hands on you and helped you up as your tearful eyes looked at him. You reached for him and he pulled you to stand. He pulled your jeans up and buttoned them, no sexual thought crossing his mind. He buttoned your jacket and looked at you. He couldn't tell you not to cry, but instead wiped your tears away and enveloped you in a hug, "you're safe," he said and you closed your eyes for a moment to thank the world for Jimin.

You walked out safely thanks to him and although it ended to nothing but a scare, he held your hand. His hand made you feel like it was the safest place in the world.

You stood outside as gentle snow began falling over both your heads. He turned around and looked at you before wrapping his arms around you in such a caring hug. You felt how much he cared about you but it broke your heart to remind yourself how much you liked him and he didnt. You pushed him back gently to hold yourself from feeling these emotions. You couldn't just accept him to hug you, you fall in love, and him end up telling you your feelings aren't the same as his for you.

He looked at you in confusion, "what's wrong?" he asked as he looked down at your crying eyes. He wiped your tears away and held your face, looking into your yes with such a soft look and you hated it but it melted you all the way to the core. "Please don't look at me like that," you said as you looked down. He didn't know what he was doing to cause you to act this way. He was only being genuinely careful with you. He felt desperate to help you after this situation and to make you feel safe. He didn't want you to feel like he was here to hurt you or make fun of you, so he gently pushed your hair away from your face and pulled your chin up to look at him. God you fucking hated this.

"Don't. Stop," you said with a gentle, hurt voice as you stepped back and tried holding back your tears. You fell in love. This was love, no longer a small crush you could easily get rid of. Jimin tried to understand what he did wrong, but his eyes only roamed around you, attempting to be careful with you. "(Y/n)," he said with so much pain in his voice. Why didn't you let him in? "Damn it," you whispered to yourself. Why'd he have to call you name so softly like that?

You couldn't even look at him. Your feet forced you to walk away from him. He was breaking your heart, or were you breaking your own? You walked and walked and almost wanted to run away. Your mind begged for you to escape him, but your body was desperate to touch him. All you wanted to hear was that he liked you. Even just a little bit....

"(Y/n)," he called you, feeling hurt, but more worried about you. "(Y/n)!" he called you once again but the more he called you, the tighter your chest felt. You walked away with quick steps and tears heavily streaming down your face until you made it home, two hours later.

Jimin let you go for a moment after you walked away, but he knew it wasn't safe for you after what just happened. He couldn't let you walk by yourself, but he didn't want you to hate him either. Maybe you just hated any guy's company right now and he respected that so he let you go, but his mind couldn't stay at peace. He walked after your steps and looked for you, but you had taken a different route, in case he did come looking for you. You needed time.


Jimin sat in his apartment. He knew you had come home. He heard your door close. Something in him wanted to go to your apartment and beg for you to forgive him, whatever he had done to upset you. He couldn't just let you cry and have himself sit and hear it without doing anything. In his heart, he had grown attached to you and it wasn't easy for him to let you suffer by yourself anymore.

A part of him was eager to go to you, but he wanted to give you space. He sat on the edge of his bed, hearing you quiet cries through the walls that separated you both. He picked up his phone and opened your contact, "Im sorry. I just wanted to protect you," but he deleted the message and felt the grip on his phone tighten. You couldn't even receive messages from him. He should've left him dying. The man who tried taking advantage of you didn't get what he deserved.

He got up and threw his phone with full force to the wall in anger. It fell in shattered screen pieces. He didn't do the least he could for you. His legs bent and he squatted down as his hands ran through his hair in desperateness. "(Y/n) I'm sorry- I'm sorry-" he whispered to himself as your muffled cried filled his background noise.


You laid on your bed with dry tears in your eyes. How could you know his feelings towards you if you never asked? Would that be weird? Are you torturing yourself? But then again there's the question of what ifs. What if you confess and he gives you an answer you don't want? What if you confessing ruins your friendship? You sat up and sighed, it didn't matter. He was taking over you.

You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror after washing your face. It's time to take charge of your emotions. A long sigh of preparation escaped your lips before you stepped out of your apartment and stood in front of his. It's two in the morning and he's probably asleep. Your mind found whatever excuse there was to go back to your apartment, but your heart was begging you to do this.

You knocked on the door, "Jimin-" your soft voice called for him to open his door to you.

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