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Overcast. Although the sun is bright and warming my skin, overcast is the only way I feel right now. I'm going home. I need her.

Jimins eyes remained closed and unbothered yet his mind ran through a billion possibilities of going home. Though they all seemed bad, all he wanted was to be with you no matter the consequences of his previous actions. He sighed a slow release of breath and felt how the clouds covered the sun that hit his closed eyelids but the clouds seemed to stay there a bit too long.

"Jimin, get up."

He heard your voice and his eyes opened in a millisecond. You were squatting down, your shadow covering his body as you looked down at him. His eyes opened but the way the sun shone behind you was like you came to rescue him—or murder him and these were his last seconds to live. "Jagiya-"

"Don't call me that," you said seriously as he propped himself up with a gentle smile, ignoring your seriousness. "You're glowing," he said, making you break your serious face and let your head fall, hiding a smile. "Stop. I'm so angry with you," you said, placing your hands on your knees to help yourself get up, but Jimins hands stopped you. "Wait wait..," he said as his lips tried fixing a proper word but not finding any.

"Okay first of all, a letter? You couldn't just bring your little mochi looking cheeks home and apologize? You're seriously so extra I'm about to apologize to myself," you said, sounding semi playful through your angry tone. "I didn't wanna bother yo-"

"Bother me Jimin. Or did you expect me to apologize to you?" you asked, giving him a sassy look. Jimin stared at you for a second like a hurt puppy before his eyes closed and his lips let out a giggle, "Im sorry," he still said.

"Is this funny to you?" you asked, lowkey forcing yourself not to smile. His laugh itself was enough to want to send yourself flying to his arms, but things like these shouldn't be so easily taken. Jimin let out a humming laugh before you got up, "wow. Forget I took 3 taxis to come see you," you said.

"You took three- taxis?! The park is so close to home!" he said as he grabbed your arm. "I PISSED TWO OF THEM OFF BECAUSE THEY WERE DRIVING TOO SLOW," you confessed and began walking away. "And you still got here really late," he pointed out with his silly tone. You rolled your eyes as he followed you. "Stop walking so fast," he said as he almost ran to catch up to you.

"Not my fault you have noddle legs," you responded. "Noodle? what?" he asked almost to himself but you stopped walking and faced him. "Youhavelegslikethosebrokennoodlesyoufindintheendofanuncookednoodleboxallshortandshitdamn," you said, pointing as his muscular legs as you ranted on him. He stared at you with raised eyebrows at how fast you spoke to him. "Jagiya-" he called you.

"What Jimin. What do you have to say?" you asked him, loosing your patience but also wanting to kiss the fuck out of him. "Your belly is so cute. I was watching it the moment I opened my eyes and its like a tiny little bubble. You look so pretty," he said, standing like a child, embarrassed to bring this up when you seemed annoyed at him.

You couldn't figure out if you should still pretend to be angry, because in all honesty you weren't. You just looked up at the sky and parted your lips, "I've been waiting for you to come home. I never want to disappoint you Jimin. I don't know what the hell happened these past few days, but it's hurt like hell," you said as your cheeks began to heat up. "I knew I could make it without you if apart is what the world had planned for us, but I just don't want to. I want to always be faithful  to you. I've always been. You think I'd really throw you away for a moment of pleasure? I can have it all with you."

Jimins eyes were squinted as he looked at you. His lips were pressed together tightly but once your eyes looked away from the sky and met with his, he looked down, ashamed to be in tears. "Um— I'm really...," he began saying with a shaky voice as he forced himself to stop being so weak around you, "Im stupid," he continued, but you couldn't allow such a beautiful human being speak of themselves like that. "It was a mistake. Don't worry Jimin. I'm glad we got to clear things up. You're so beautiful. And you don't have noddle thighs. They're thick and carved by the gods themselves," you said as you grabbed his cheeks and wiped every tear away.

You hummed at how soft he made you and kissed his cheeks gently. "Cmon, save those tears for all the cats you always want to adopt at the shelters," you said, gaining a smile from him as he sniffled and wiped his eyes. "Can we go see the cats?" he asked with glossy eyes and a stuffy nose. "Of course baby boy," you teased. "I'm very manly," he opposed with a smile and took your hand to lead you to his car.

"Jungkook offered me mango ice cream," Jimin said, changing the subject.


"All the felines we have are well taken care of. If you do happen to be interested in one in particular, we can give you their record and further information for that cat in particular," the man said. Jimin looked extremely excited as he nodded at the mans words and lead you both through many caged cats and kittens. It broke your heart to see so many cats homeless and caged up.

You observed the cats before hearing Jimin gasp and pet a cat through the bars of their cages. He was squatting down and making noises you'd make at a baby. "(Y/n), this cat is so sweet and calm. Look at him," he said as he looked up at you with such a bright hopeful smile that you'd agree with him.

You squatted down with him and looked at the cat he was petting with so much care. You let out a soft sigh of surprise when you saw his interest. He was so exited and loving to an old calico cat. It's fur was thick and beautiful, but its honey eyes looked full of experience and patience. It gently closed its eyes at Jimins careful touch. You looked over at Jimin and smiled, amazed by how beautiful he soul really is. "It's such a pretty cat," you said to him, agreeing to his earlier words.

He nodded and yet he still looked at you with that pleading smile. You scratched your neck and shrugged, "don't look at me like that. This is all you," you said, not holding him back from what he liked if it didn't harm you at all. His eyes widened, "really?! Can we really?! Please! I already have a name!" he said, surprising you a little more every time he talked. "What's their name then?" you asked with an unavoidable smile.

"His name will be Simba!" he said with such an enthusiastic tone. "Simba?" you asked with a small laugh of disbelief. "How'd you figure that out?" You asked, hoping he'd give you the right answer. "I heard it in a movie commercial when I was a kid," he said. "You mean The Lion King?" you laughed, hoping he'd remember. He looked up for a moment, looked  at you and shrugged, "I don't know, I never got to watch it," he said with an innocent smile that swelled your heart.
{A/N: Hello! I apologize for such a late update. I've been extremely busy with annoying life stuff, but I hope I get to update as often as possible. I promise I will update until it is complete!

I hope you're all doing very well..I hope you're also prepared for the comeback lmao.

-Jiminiature 💛}

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