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You sat there at a loss of words. Did he say that to shut you up? Even the way he looked at you was strangely quiet. "Jimin, don't say things like that," you said, giving him a chance to change his mind, but he was quite serious.

"Don't? What am I saying that's so wrong to you?" He asked. His eyes were looking lamely at you and his hands were resting on the table. You looked back at him fearlessly, but truthfully you were nervous. Just imagining yourself coming home everyday to him made you feel uneasy. "I barely know you," you said lowly.

"That's it?" he asked. Why did he make you feel like your reasoning was dumb? He continued to speak after looking away a few seconds and running his hand through his hair, " was just a suggestion." He got up and walked back to the living room with a heavy sigh. You could say yes. There wasn't much holding you back from it, but you still had to think about it. He'd probably think you're too easy if you simply agreed as tempting as that was even if it had nothing to do with attraction.

You slowly stood up feeling awkward about staying here after this. "Do- you want me to stay?" You asked, ashamed of even asking. He glanced up at you from squatting down at a box and shrugged. "Your decision," he said. Damn. Why was he like this all of a sudden? "I didn't mean to anger you," you said grabbing your coat and getting ready to leave. It was incredibly obvious he didn't want you there. You waited for a response, but he continued looking though the box of decorations. You bowed goodnight at him and went to your apartment.


Jimin's POV

She left and it angered me more than it should have. I'm not sure why I got so upset in the first place. I remember Yoongi going through a time similar to this where he had no job and his dreams were heading nowhere. It was like he had no family, no home. He stayed at my house when I still used to live with my parents. It sucked to see how much he was going through. I remember he came home late with only a few dollars in his pocket and sometimes he'd cry with anger at how everything was shit. Sometimes he didn't come home because he'd say he didn't like being a burden but he never was. I knew he didn't eat in the days he didn't come home because whenever I'd see him again he became thinner. He cried a lot despite me hardly seeing it. I knew he did. He became depressed and as much as we try to, you can never tell someone it'll be alright. It's not that easy and I hated it. I hate it.

She reminds me of Yoongi and I'm nervous that she'll experience something similar. She had a point when she said we hardly know anything about each other but I don't care. Do I really need to know more just to be able to help her? I saw the way she stared at nothing. That's what Yoongi used to do. He'd stare at anything in silence. I don't know what goes through their minds, but I still feel the urge to be needed. I want to be useful.

I don't ever want her to experience what could be prevented. I think I'm useful. If she doesn't want us to live together then I'll try another way to help. Maybe I can save up this weeks check and pay her another month of rent and with whatever is left maybe buy her groceries. We'll see what the situation is after that.


3 days later

Nothing in the fridge. You sighed as you sat down at your table. Looking for a job was incredibly difficult. Not one of the employers has called you back. Shit...Rent is due today. You rested your face on your hands. "Maybe I can ask for an extension," you though, but the landlord has a strict policy. Your stomach growled and you groaned lightly. "Maybe I should go out to distract myself."

You had a few dollars in your savings account so maybe you can afford to make a cheap soup. You dressed warmly and stepped out, hoping to avoid the landlord from spotting you. "Good morning (y/n)-" you heard Jimin say from his apartment door but you quickly pressed the elevator button, glancing over at his smile fading away as the doors closed shut. You felt terrible to even look at him. You hadn't said yes or no and it's been days since his suggestion. You were ready to say yes, also needed an apology to give to him.


Jimin's POV

It's like she was avoiding me, but she didn't look angry. Her lips were pale. I know she isn't eating well. I pulled out the cashed check out of my pocket to make sure I was making a definite decision. As if I hadn't decided the moment I thought about it. I smiled and placed the money in my jackets pocket. After locking my apartment door I took the elevator down to the landlords apartment, but he met me out in the hallway.

"Ahh Jimin good morning! You have a busy day ahead of you don't you?" he said. I smiled and lightly bowed, "good morning, yeah somewhat of a busy day. Uhh, can I make a payment now?" I asked. He shrugged, "so early? You just paid your rent two weeks ago."
I nodded as I pulled the money out and counted the correct amount, "yes I know. I'm paying the rent for room 50. She mentioned it was due around these days right?" I asked and he agreed. Right on time. The landlord gave that kind of look elders give you when they think you're messing around with someone, but I just laughed and put the rest of my money away after paying. "Also, I think room 49 and 50 will be vacant soon," I said.

Last night and the night before I had looked into some apartments closer to the center of the city. I've always wanted to live somewhere closer to life and not silence. Don't get me wrong I love this small town, but it's getting too quiet. Plus I think (y/n) needs lots of distraction. I think she'd like the new ambience. I can't wait for us to go explore new places together. I haven't been to check out the apartments just yet. That's what I'm waiting to do, but I've been waiting to ask her if she wants to come with me.

I got in my car and drove to the bigger supermarket, not the small one closest to us. This supermarket has absolutely everything you need. I walked in to see an old friend of mine. One I used to have a huge crush on.

"Jimin?!" she said loudly. I looked over to see her walk up with a surprised expression and immediately hugged me tight. I remember that scent so clearly. I hugged her back and smiled, "Cherry."

Cherry is what we used to call her in college. We were both dance majors but she did waltz and I did contemporary. We used to call her that because her cheeks would become a deep red after dancing. My friends joked around and said I should be called Cherry instead. I can agree that my cheeks were red most of the time and not only when I danced.

"It's been a long time! I'm so glad we ran into each other," she said after pulling away and fixing her long hair behind her ear. She was more beautiful than ever in all honesty. "Yeah it's great to see you again," I said and she responded cleverly, "wow you've gained a lot of confidence. It makes you even more handsome." I could feel the heat in my cheeks.  ", who are you here with? Don't your parents live around here?" I asked.

"Yeah! I came to visit them. I haven't been here since college graduation. Maybe that's why I haven't had the luck of running into you," she said and I laughed. "Maybe. I hope to see you around more often," I said, genuinely not knowing what to say. She nodded and gave me one last tight hug followed by her usual giggle, "I'm so happy we saw each other again. I'm gonna be living here for a year, just to be with my parents. You should come over. I'm sure they'd like listening to our stories... anyway, my dad is waiting for me but wanna go out for a drink or dinner some day?" She said, pulling her phone out. I took mine out too just to be courteous and we exchanged numbers. "Sure," I said and she left, waving goodbye.

Cherry. I felt nervous seeing her. The same way I felt every day seeing her at school. I pressed my lips together. How couldn't I smile? She was my first crush. I thought I had gotten over her, but maybe not.


You watched her get into her car as you stood in the parking lot and you saw him enter the supermarket. He held a soft smile and looked happy to see her even after she left. You couldn't help but stand there and stare until he was no longer there. Come to think of it, you aren't that hungry. You turned around to head back home, hunger gone, but now with a definite answer.

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