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"Jimin wake up.. you have work in an hour," you called as you watched him sleeping facing you but with Hanae cuddled up next to his chest. "I agree...daddy is very warm," you said to the baby and gently shook Jimin awake. He let out a low hum as he rubbed his eyes and checked the baby first thing. His eyes roamed to you. "Good morning. How are you? Ill go make breakfast for you before I leave!" he hurriedly said as he sat up but you smiled and placed your hand on his arm, "dont worry, ill make something simple today," you said. He looked at you, saw your smile and felt a desire to just hug you and ask you to forgive him. You'd be so confused if he did that so he ended up just blankly watching you before he nodded and gave you a strange smile. He pinched your cheeks and slid off the bed, preparing to get ready for work.

You got up to feed Hanae. It was still difficult for you to breastfeed her on your own. It took you the entire half hour Jimin used to get ready for work to be able to get her set, but you did it and you felt accomplished. Jimin calmly stepped out of the bedroom, fixing his hair and knelt down on the floor in front of you who was sitting on the couch, "Ill be back soon." He lovingly kissed Hanaes head and then gave you a long kiss on your lips, "hey...I love you~" he sang, doing unintentional aegyo. He knew this wasnt easy to do, but he was proud of you in every way possible. He sent you a kiss and a wink before giggling and walking out the door.

1 p.m.
You had finished cleaning the house and did some crafts for Hanaes room. You sang to a loud radio as the little baby slept without a single second of disturbance. You and Jimin always sang loudly together when you were pregnant, so she probably got used to hearing his dad and mom annoy her even before she was born. You smiled, remembering how Jimin would kneel down and sing loudly into your belly.

"HAAAAAANAEEEEEE BABYYY IM YOOOOOOOOOOURSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jimin sang until his voice cracked.

You held a gentle smile over your lips before you heard the house phone ring. You reached over for it and answered. "Hello?"

"HI (Y/N)!" you heard Taehyung speak with a giggle.
"Hi Taehyung! How are you?"
"I'm good! How are you and Honey?"
"Hanae?" You laughed at his usual mistake with new names.
"Oh yeah! sorry~" he giggled.
"We're going great. When are you and the guys coming over?"
"I don't know..........................hey................................I got you something," he said secretively. The overly long pause made you laugh, missing their company.
"Really? What?"
"Oh my- then why tell me in the first place?!"
"Because it's a surprise," he said like a child.
"Okay well thank you!"
"ILL SEE YOU LATER OKAY?!" He said urgently before you heard giggles in the background and movement.
"Oka-okay yeah! I'll see you-"
"By-" Taehyung hung up and you shook your head with a smile.

"How isn't he married yet...." you thought to yourself as you picked up the scissors and started your crafting again but you flinched to the feeling of a pinch on your finger before seeing blood quickly spill out. You had gotten distracted by Taehyung in general. You quickly got up and ran to the restroom and looked for bandaids but found none so you looked in the drawer for the first aid kit, found a bandaid and wrapped you finger after disinfecting the cut. You sat on the floor, gently humming at the sharp pain on your finger as you began putting the kit away but then you found a box way back in the drawer.

You pulled it out and opened the lid. There was Jimins old Christmas letter to you when you both had just met. You remember seeing a cut on his finger when he asked if you got a letter. You giggled, feeling your heart swell. He hadnt changed his cute habits of giving you handmade things. "Wow Jimin you're so cute..WOW YOU ARE SO SO CUTE," you gasped out loud, remembering how adorably nervous he looked that day when you began looking at the letter in front of him back then. You loved him more now than ever. Last week he brought you a hair pin because he said it reminded him of you. The colors and the style were something you wouldve liked.

You got up after putting everything away and went back to check on Hanae who had her baby hair up with he pin Jimin gave you. It looked so so cute on her.


Jimin didnt go to work this day as he said he would. He went to the extremely busy cafe and waited for Yoongi to come during his break. Yoongi took his apron off and sat down, "hey..sorry I took long. I ordered you a coffee," he said. "Sorry for the trouble I dont mean to hold you in your break," Jimin said but Yoongi smiled. "Uhhh.. I think you're forgetting that I own this café. Im sure I hired efficient employees," he said as he took his bowtie off from his uniform and set it on the table.

"Okay..speak up Jimin," he said, ready to hear him out. Jimins upset expression made Yoongi soft on him, "okay well, I kind of know whats going on, so just broaden it up a little more so I can understand." The employee came with Jimins coffee but saw how Jimin rubbed his face with so must stress. The employee looked at Yoongi like asking if he's okay to where Yoongi motioned his hand across his neck and gave him an 'I've got this under control' wink.

'bring him the Chimcake?' Yoongi mouthed to his employee and he nodded before Jimin looked up and Yoongi quickly pretended nothing had happened.

"You haven't told her have you?" Yoongi said. Jimins eyes looked up at Yoongi and he sighed. "How am I gonna just tell her? Im trying hard to fix it so she wont notice I fucked up," Jimin said. "Just be honest. You can't hide it from her. We cant know how she'll react but Im sure I have an idea the kind of girl she is. I wish I could help you but I have no way. Im completely useless to you," Yoongi said, honestly sad he couldnt help Jimin.

"Its okay..its fine. I'm working on it. Im going to tell her. Im just afraid she'll question everything and stop trusting me," Jimin said as the employee brought him the Chimcake. Jimin sighed and looked down at the cake in front of him. Yoongi always used to bake this for him when they were both feeling down. Yoongi leaned his elbows on the table, "dont let her find out first. Tell her honestly before she has to ask you why you hid it from her for so long. Prioritize your family Jimin."

"I always have which is why I didnt tell her. I want to give her a stress free life.."


"Okay okay okay...Yoongi. Im gonna go talk to her.... after I finish my cake."

"You should try the Sopecake. Its a bestseller..."

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