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"Wait!!" You whispered loudly. He turned around quickly, "what if something happens?" You asked with wide eyes as you held the box tightly. Jimin tapped his coats pockets quickly and then ran over to you. "You have your phone?" he asked. You nodded and pulled it out to where he added his number as a contact, "let me know if anything happens," he said and then quickly walked away.

You nodded and closed the door, set the box down and wondered if the owl was hungry or thirsty. "What do I do now?" You thought as you stared at the box. You went to the kitchen to find some bread to soak with water to give the tiny owl but just as you got up you heard movement and then saw the owl fly out the box. You gasped, "no no no wait don't fly!" You called it and it stopped mid-living room. You creeped up to it but it flew away as soon as you got closer to it. It was still small, so it didn't go very far, but its instincts were great.

20 minutes of playing this catch me if you can game had you tripping and hurting yourself more than expected. "Damn it just stop! I wanna feed you!" You screamed quietly to the owl who seemed afraid.


"Why'd you call me to pick you up?"

"I found a dog and I tried grabbing it but it kept running away from me and I got lost."

Jimin sighed at the expected response, "at least you know how to describe your surroundings. Why didn't you just use your phones map?"

"Because I'm hungry," Taehyung responded. "That doesn't make any sense," Jimin said as he waited for V to buckle his seatbelt. "Yeah it does! Why would I want to walk when I can just call you and we can go eat together?" He said actually sounding serious. Jimin nodded, letting him have that response, "okay well, we can make something at my place? You don't have work tomorrow and neither do I."

V smiled with raised eyebrows, "really?!" Jimin nodded and drove away, "hey how much do you know about owls?"

V looked straight ahead and shrugged, "not so much. Why?" Jimin shrugged and said, "would you ever want to have one as a pet? It's just a question." V fixed himself in his seat, facing Jimin this time and Jimin knew he was gonna start to give out a huge answer. "Imagine!? You can feed it well and it'll grow into a biiiig fluffy bird with huge eyes and you can train it to send messages to our hyungs like in Harry Potter! And then if you take it outside you'll have it on your shoulder or something and people will be like whoa look he's so cool and they'll want to take pictures with you. And then you can buy it a bed to sleep or a tree for it to sleep in or do whatever birds do unless you train it to sleep with you. It'd be so cute and unique to have an owl because I don't think many other people have it it's really not common but that's why it's even more cool if I had one I would take care of it so well like if it's my son or daughter I just wish I would be able to put clothes on it it'd look cute."

Jimin remained quiet for a while, holding in a laugh, "'re-....right," he simply said. They had arrived in the time V took to explain all that. They went up the elevator and Jimin smiled to V, "well I asked about the owl because I got you one!!" he said as he wrapped his arm around V. V shoved him away with a shocked expression. "WHERE IS IT!" he asked and Jimin knocked on your door, happy that he found it a home.

You heard the knock and took a last chance to grab the exhausted owl and wrap it gently in a towel. You opened the door, panting heaving, "hi," you said neutrally but your physical appearance demonstrated a huge wrestle. "Sorry-" Jimin said with a laugh. Taehyung bowed at you, "hi I'm Taehyung you're (y/n) I already know that," he said, making you smile at his very fun personality.

"The owl is for him," Jimin said. You handed V the owl with care and V giggled with excitement but he frowned, "shouldn't we actually take it to a vet or something? A house isn't how they should be living." It surprised Jimin how mature he was being taking into consideration how V's idea of a pet owl was. "You sure? We'll take it tomorrow morning then," he said. V nodded and thanked you for taking care of it although you just ended up chasing it all night.

Winter (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now