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Jimin sighed as he pulled the cars stick to park. You looked around outside the cars window, "whoa wait, this is the apartment?" You asked. It was two story, but not huge. Just perfect for two people although it did seem expensive. "Yes it is. I wanted to check this one out because I pictured you walking out every day to this garden," he said. You looked over to see nothing but grass in the front yard. "What garden?" you asked. "The one we'll grow together silly," he said before stepping in to the property to find the owner. Your heart swelled and a gentle smile formed across your face at the way he thought of you too.

You went to a few apartments, all beautiful and equally amazing. The prices were in the same range, but Jimin and you had to decide soon. You sat at a quiet outside cafe together, exhausted from all the driving and walking around as he looked through the listings you went to together. "I liked them all, but personally, my favorite was the first one," he said. You nodded as you sipped on the hot chocolate he bought you. Your pink cheeks and nose felt frozen, but you used the warmth of your hands to warm your cheeks.

"Why that one?" You said as your warm breath slipped out visibly though the cold air outside. "There's much I like about it. For example, when we do arts and crafts, there's that room for it. The kitchen is big enough for both of us and the bedrooms look comfy too. I asked if we can have pets too and he said yes. Isn't it a cool home to live in? Plus we're in the heart of the city. No ones out because it just rained, but it's amazing here," he said. The entire time he spoke, the words flowed into your ears like gentle wind. His cheeks and lips were red just as much as yours from the cold, but his laugh made you warm from head to toe. "I like that one too," you said with a smile. He looked over at you, his big smile fading at the way you said that. Not because you said it like you didn't want it, but because he knew your concentration was not on that primarily, but on something else. He saw the way you looked at him and he giggled, "what?" he asked, and he removed his hands from around his hot cup, placing them gently on your cheeks when he heard no response from you.

Your eyes blinked twice at his warmth surrounding your cheeks. "Did the cold get to your brain?" he asked and his laugh made you blush the same way it always did. "Sorry- I did mean it. I like that apartment," you said with a smile. He pulled his hands back and rested his elbow on the table and his cheek on his hand as he looked at you, almost lovingly. "I can't wait. Imagine how fun this will be," he said. The way he looked at you made you feel like he liked you, something you were uncertain of. But you were certain of your feelings for him.

You stood up forcibly breaking the moment, "I have to go to the restroom," you sang nervously, "I think the cold did get to me." Jimin nodded and hummed, "I think the restroom is around back. They don't have one inside," he said. "Okay! Can you hold my bag?" You said as you handed him your small purse and walked over to the restroom. He watched you cautiously until you made a turn behind the building and found the restroom.

You stepped inside, used the restroom and stepped out to wash your hands. You saw your reddened cheeks on the mirror as you washed your hands, "damn it Jimin.. should I confess to you? Or is this too much? I don't want to spoil our friendship," you quietly said to yourself. You looked down at the water that fell into the drain. What could you do about these feelings?

The public restroom door opened and closed but your mind was too busy attempting to gather your feelings up before exiting. "A beautiful young girl," you heard a man say and you quickly turned to look at him, "I- you're in the wrong restroo-"

"No sweetheart I think I spent enough time following you around all day. I don't want to waste any more time. I saw you the moment you stepped out of that car and I thought, damn...I need to fuck me a cute girl like that. I know that soft boy of yours won't do shit. You can see the pussy in him," the man said. Your heart raced in fear, but you weren't just gonna give up. "You really had to corner me here? You know there's hookers all over this city. It's not hard to find a cute one," you responded with so much fear, but you tried your best.

He laughed and shook his head, "no. I don't like how they let you do anything you ask them to. I like you to resist. I like to hear you cry and squirm as I have my way with you," he said as he stepped closer increasingly quick. You looked around him to plan your escape. Just as he came dangerously close, you ducked and ran past his side, or tried to, but he tripped you and pulled you back so easily like you were a rag doll. You felt your jeans button pop off and your jeans slip down from your hips down to your knees. You screamed and became crying. He was too strong.

He pulled you up and pinned you to the stalls wall, your face was pressed against the wall as he pulled your shirt up and began unbuckling his belt. You screamed for mercy and tried fighting it off but his words ringed in your mind, "I like to hear you cry and squirm."

All this happened in a matter of a minute, and it was destroying you little by little.


Jimin's POV
I sat alone with her purse in my hands and observed her walk into the shadows. It felt creepy to see her disappear like that. What kind of sketchy, unsafe restroom is placed behind all eyes? A few minutes passed and I still felt weird letting her go on her own so I got up and placed her bag around me as if it was mine. I walked over to find the restrooms too and maybe wait for her outside until she came out safely, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a voice that didn't belong in a woman's restroom.

I stood there, quiet, with no movement to hear what he said to her, but it was silent. I knew I heard a mans voice. I know I did, but I dared not to make a sound with my feet nor my voice. I didn't know the situation, but I knew (y/n) was in there.

I swallowed hard as I heard my heart beat heavily. You can feel the danger. You can always sense when something is wrong. My eyes looked around the dark outside, attempting to hear absolutely anything. Then I heard her. I heard sudden bolted movements and a thud. I heard her voice. I heard her cry and plead and my heart felt like it sunk and drowned. My feet bolted into the restroom, pushing the metal door and finding her. Her body was fighting even when her mind was afraid. I knew she was. There was a man twice as big as her, and a billion times stronger and he disgusted me. Her jeans held around her shivering knees as he held her so carelessly.

I felt my body rise with anger and fury. Skin so beautiful should not be hurt, ever. A girl so pure should not be stolen away for a few minutes of pleasure.


Jimin's hand shivered in rage. He stepped closer and used his entire foot to kick the back of his knee in, making him fall to the ground, screaming in excruciating pain and in the same movement, he wrapped his hand around his neck, and slammed him into the wall behind them with full, anger-fueled force as he pressed a pocket knife into his throat, dangerously close to the main artery. He held him tight. There was no way his man could move a single muscle as he stood weakly with knees bent forward and his back bent back, forcing him to stand pathetically. Jimin stared at him with his eyebrows furrowed and his body trembling with fury. He looked at him dead in the eyes with an inexplicable threat that was able to be seen through his eyes alone and the man learned to fear.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

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