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"If you say so," you said as you popped a strawberry in your mouth. Jimin watched you with a small tempting smile. Your eyes glanced over, "what," you said, blushing instantly at his stare. "I want one too," he said to you. You realized he didn't mean anything flirtatious and it kind of bummed you out.

"Sooooooooo......when are we gonna go look at the apartments? We still have to move everything there before our rent is due again," Jimin said as he ate the strawberry you gave him. He leaned his arm down on the counter and looked up at you who finished cutting the fruit and was now putting them in bowls. You felt how he was looking at you and although you had a feeling he had no attraction to you, you felt your face redden.

Jimin let out a small giggle, "you need the AC on or something?" Your eyes shot at him, "why?"

"You look like a watermelon...I mean the inside of it...seedless," he said in pauses, "but a good watermelon. The ones that when you cut it open it's super bright red and perfectly round. And then you bite into it and it's juicy and sweet. Man.....I want some watermelon." You stared at him with a stank face, "what the hell Jimin."

"Let's go get some watermelon," he suggested and you rolled your eyes, "hell no. It's cold."

He pouted and said, "then how am I going to satisfy my cravings?" You shrugged as you washed the knife and board, "beat a bitch. They're red in the inside too," you suggested kiddingly. "Imagine they tasted like watermelon in the inside," he said quietly knowing what he said was weird. You closed your eyes and let out a long sigh before continuing to wash the dishes, "Im- you need to go home and reevaluate what you just said."

Jimin laughed through his teeth as he stood up straight and nodded, "alright alright, I'll see you tomorrow. 8 o'clock. Be up, be ready okay?" he said as he headed to the door. You grunted, "eight? In the morning? Ughhhh. Jimin dashed back over to you and ruffled your hair, "don't complain," he said before giving you a tight snuggly hug and going to his apartment.

You stood there as you dried your wet hands and remembered his lovely smile and weird thoughts of just a moment ago, "arghhh," you groaned as you covered your face with the towel, "what the hell is wrong with me," you asked yourself out loud. You were falling for him too hard and he showed no signs of liking you back...and you showed no signs of going back and unliking him.

7 a.m.
Your alarm rang loudly, bursting through your lovely dream. "FUCK!!" You lazily said to yourself as you angrily but sleepily turned your alarm off to snooze. Maybe if you catch your sleep again, you'll continue that very fun dream.

7:30 a.m.
Once again your alarm woke you up. You turned it off and laid motionless in your bed. Your dream hadn't continued thanks to that bitch ass alarm. You opened your eyes lazily and remembered your dream from earlier. It was you and Jimin in a room you had never been in before but it was white. Everything white. The walls, the floor, the bed, his clothes, and even your undergarments.....Yes, you were with him in a room, half naked as he looked at you with a tempting bite of his lip. He had just touched you and you were tempted for him. He had leaned in and pressed his lips to yours in a gentle kiss that quickly became deep and heavy paced. His arms wrapped around you and he pulled you to press his body with yours. His hand slid down to your bra until the FUCKING ALARM RANG AND RUINED IT.

You laid there with mixed emotions. Okay so you liked the dream, but you had never thought of him like that. You had never touched him like that or even kissed him so how did your mind know what it felt like to? Maybe it was your mind lowkey imagining what it'd be like to. You closed your eyes again and tried remembering the dream exactly how it was over and over so you wouldn't forget until you fell asleep again.

8 a.m.
Both your alarm and the knock of Jimin at the door made you annoyed. You were sleeping so soundly. You heard steps come closer and knock on the bedroom door, "you aren't awake yet?!" Jimin said loudly. "I told you to be READY by 8," he said, but you slept on the other side of the door, unaware of his words. "(Y/n).... I'm gonna come inside," he said and opened the door slowly. There you were wrapped in your thick blankets, sleeping the day away.

"(Y/N!) what the heck I told you-" his words drifted away with a sigh as he plopped down on your bed and looked around your room he had never been in before. He turned to look at you and gently shook you, "hey- I got in because you left the front door unlocked dummy." Your eyes slowly opened when you heard his voice too realistically. You gasped and backed up, "what- how- are you here?" Jimin face palmed and shook his head, "want me to look for an outfit for you? We're already late thanks to you," he said.

You noticed his hair was parted and nicely combed. His outfit also made him look incredibly nice...like always. "Oh shit! What time is it?!" You said as you looked for your phone all over your bed, "eight o'clock," Jimin responded. "Oh my- uhh..yes please! Just- look anywhere. My shirts are in this drawer," you pat the drawer quickly before running to your restroom to shower and do your makeup lightly.

But you failed to mention where your underwear drawer was. Jimin picked out a lovely shirt and moved on to the extra drawer to look for jeans for you. Instead, he opened the drawer up with full confidence only to reveal your panties all neatly organized by style. His entire body stiffened and became more of a watermelon this time but he didn't take his eyes away. There were cute lacy panties as well as soft cotton ones. He slowly closed the drawer but whispered to himself, "hey those black lace ones were actually cute."

He picked out an entire outfit for you. A shirt, jeans, jacket, scarf, shoes and even a beret for you to wear. You finished your makeup in the restroom in your towel, "Jimin! Did you choose yet?" You said from the restroom.

"Yup! It's waiting for you here!" He said as he stepped out of the bedroom and sat on the couch. You peeked out to look for him and saw him on the couch. He was on his phone so you ran as fast as you could to your room before he looked. You looked at the clothes and saw he had even placed a black bra and the black lace underwear there as a part of your outfit. Your jaw dropped but you changed quickly and came out when you were ready, "black underwear? You really went through that?" You asked in a semi serious tone. He looked up at you, "well you want people to see your bright pink ones? I'm just tryna help you out," he said with a friendly tone. You couldn't help but laugh, "ah, sorry you had to go through that, I should've told you."

"At least I learned your taste. Now hurry, we have apartments to choose from!" he said as you both stepped out of your apartment and headed to his car, ready to choose a new place to call home....together.





{A/N: sorry I'm always so late to update ☹️ ily tho}

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