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"Thank you guys for helping. Once everything is fixed and furnished, we'll invite you over for dinner," Jimin said to his friends. Jungkook kept staring at you with wide eyes. They already knew of your pregnancy, but it was still strange for them to see you and think Jimin is gonna be a dad.

"Okay. Both of you take care. Don't stop drinking those vitamins. That baby better come out strong," Jin said to you with a smile. You bowed a thank you at him before they began walking out. You sat down on the staircase and let out a sigh of relief.

"Dont let her pick anything heavy up. And make sure she eats well," Yoongi said to Jimin as Jimin walked them out of the house. "I will. She's well taken care of," Jimin responded as he pat Yoongi and closed the cars door when he got in. They drove off and Jimin went back inside.

Everything seemed so well for now, but there was still the question of what you were going to do for work. Jimin cant handle paying for everything. Especially now that you're pregnant, theres many more things you will be needing. Jimin is already working overtime as it is. As he walked inside, your worrisome expression became a smile. "Lets go out to eat!" Jimin said. Despite how tight he was with his money, he had you thinking he always had enough. Truth was, he was actually barely even making it, but you knew it well. "We can have dinner at the ramen restaurant down the street," you suggested as you got up and grabbed your coat. "Okay! Lets hope its not busy like always," Jimin sang as he opened the door to go outside. He's never picky with food.

As you both sat eating your dinners, your eyes widened at the sign posted by the pin board, "Help Wanted," read the sign for this same restaurant. "Look Jimin! They're hiring here at this very restaurant. I should go ask about it when we're finished eating," you said. He looked over at the sign and then at you and down at your tummy, a small frown drew onto his ramen-filled cheeks, "Are you sure about that? You're pregnant. Its only going to get more tiresome for you as your tummy grows," he said. His expression made your heart ache with so much love, "I'm capable," you responded and caressed his hand as he smiled a bit bigger.


"Excuse me. I saw your help wanted sign and was wondering if Im still able to apply?" you asked the employee. She was busy and could barely even keep up with all the orders. Jimin bit his lip. If they had you in such a hurry every day, you'd always be exhausted. "Ah- umm y-yes! Hold on-" she said as she picked up a tray full of ramen bowls and took them to a table before coming back, "heres an application. Bring it back any time we're open and we might give you a call back," she said, almost too fast. "Okay thank you very m-" you said as you bowed at her but she ran off to clean a table before she heard you.

"I dont think thats a good job for a pregnant woman. If you want to work, you should do something less stressful. That job looks like they'll have you on your feet all day," Jimin said with a pout as he took your hand and you both walked out of the busy restaurant. Your hand pat his puffy cheeks as you kissed them, "Jimin, please dont worry. You and I both know we need this money," you said, your gentle voice becoming a bit more serious.

Jimins eyes were glued onto yours. He always tried avoiding you realizing that he was struggling a little to push you both through every day. "Jagi-" he said, his soothing voice calling for you, but you spoke first, "I know how hard you work. I appreciate everything you do and thats why I dont think its fair. Its not fair for me to just say I'm pregnant and you have to work for me. Im capable enough to work as well as any other woman. It doesn't have to be just you working overtime. You need to rest too," you said as you looked down at his palms in your hands and saw how damaged and worn out they seemed compared to yours...soft and delicate, without a scratch or paper cut.

"I dont feel tired. I like working. My hands are only like this because I'm careless," he said. He still tried hard to cover the truth so you wouldnt worry and it swelled your heart up to hear him speak. Like him saying that would convince you otherwise. "Careless or not, I want to come home tired too. I want us to both take long baths after a tough day and tell each other how much we hate out jobs," you said as you took his hands into yours and kissed them. Jimins eyes were sad but loving. "That sounds...good," he said as his worrisome eyebrows became a happy expression. He wrapped his own scarf around you and pulled you closer in a bundle of warmth. "Jagiya~" he quietly said. You looked up at him, his eye smile consuming you entirely.

"I love you," he whispered at you and pulled his scarf down from his warm lips to press on to your cold ones. You kissed him back with a smile, "Ehhh I kind love you," you joked as you pulled away from his lips. His eyes widened with a smile as he stepped back in surprise to your  response. "AISHH! YOURE CRUEL," he said as he raised his hands to pretend to be heartbroken but you took the chance and enveloped him in a tight hug around his waist as you laughed loudly, "I LOVE YOU JIMIN!!!"


You woke up, and looked around the room to find Jimin sleeping next to you with his back facing you and the sheets covering him. You blinked in confusion and sat up, "Jimin?" you called quietly, but you hugged his bare back from behind and gave him lots of slow kisses on his neck so he would wake up. He hummed in his deep, sleepy voice. "Baby.." he said, keeping his eyes closed but wide awake to feel your kisses on his skin. "I thought you were going to work today," you said in a tone that made something sink into his stomach.

"I took the day off to accompany you to your first day at work," he said as your hand slid from your own side of the bed, to his bare skin. Your hand trailed from his waist, up to his chest and then to his neck in an embrace. "Mmm, but I can do it on my own. You didnt have to," you said, the hums and breaths from your voice making him let out a sigh before turning to look at you behind him. You looked down at him and smiled. "Good morning," you whispered and he looked down at your lips and back up to your eyes, "good morNI-" his voice broke to feel your hand grip his boxers all of a sudden.

***semi explicit content. WE WOO WE WOO YALL BETTER BE 18 IM CALLING YA MOM***

His gasp became a lovely sigh of desire, "really?" he asked you with a raspy voice, wondering if you were really taking the lead on something so early in the morning and in an important day.  His hand rested on your waist. You sat up to straddle him who remained laying upwards but your hand remained playful behind you over his boxers. "But you're pregnant," he said, expressing his concern. "It'll be fine-" you responded.

"Can you get double pregnant?" he asked. You let out a laugh as you bent over and rested your forehead on his chest. What a way to ruin the mood- sort of. "No Jimin," you responded, still laughing at his innocent question. "Oh-" he said with a smile as he rested his hands on your thighs. You looked up at him in the same position but began grinding your hips against his already hard member. His cute smile became a mischievous one and he suddenly let out a groan of pleasure. Your hips moved so pleasurably against him, he even felt he wouldnt make it to the main event.

He sat up with you still grinding against him and he pushed your panties to the side before slipping off his own boxers. "Look at me," he demanded as he teased with kisses and suddenly pushed himself inside you, your gasp exchanging for his sigh. "Fuck.....yes-"


"Ill come pick you up after work," Jimin said to you and kissed your lips as you both sat in his car outside your workplace. You looked at him with a smile. His grips on you were still very vivid in your mind and skin but opposite of how sweet and innocent he looked right now when just three hours ago he was growling dirty words into your ears and biting into your skin. "Okay!" you replied, hoping your memories wouldnt take over you during work. Jimins duality is crazy. He giggled innocently and handed you your lunch he had made you before you got out of his car and stood facing it to say goodbye.

As he looked the opposite way to drive out of the curb, your smile transferred into wide eyes as you frantically ran back to the car with a gasp, "JIMIN!" you almost yelled and you pat the passenger window. He looked over at you with  wide eyes, wondering what your sudden urge was about. The first thing that slipped into his mind was the baby, "what! whats wrong!?"

"You have a big ass hickey on your neck," you said, with an 'oops' etched into your expression.

Winter (Jimin x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ