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"Miss! Miss! Come here!" a man waved at you with a creepy smile as you walked through the street full of tiny shops. Your scarf wrapped all around you to cover even your nose as you walked through a chilly winter breeze. You looked over to the man with your eyes half closed in boredom and disappointment that you couldn't spend a single dollar.

"Me?" You said as a little squeak and pointed at yourself in question to the man, "Yes! Come heeeere! It's probably your lucky day." You raised an eyebrow at how unlucky your whole month was, with the exception of everything Jimin related. You walked to him curiously, wondering why there was so many people crowded around the stand he was in. There were stuffed animals, coupons, pencils, and other useless shit he was giving away in his prize wheel. You scrunched your nose up when you saw the golden prize, a trip for two to a mountain resort. "Bullshit," you said with a low tone.

The man waved at you to try and spin the wheel and you did but with a very uninterested expression. The wheel clicked repeatedly as it spun and you closed your eyes and sighed as you waited for the wheel to stop so you could leave with your pencil prize. "OH- OH WILL IT?" The man said. Damn he was loud and annoying. Your eyes shot open when you heard everyone waiting to spin, cheer in surprise. You looked around, startled and looked at the wheel. The pointer was exactly on the golden prize. You stared for a few seconds but then went back to your usual bored face, "sure...oH HeRE YoU jUsT HaVE tO PaY tHe TaXEs," you mocked them but the man gave you the two tickets to the resort and shook your hand.

"Congratulations! You're the first winner this month! You don't have to sign anything just go have a good time with your friend or lover!" He said obnoxiously. Your mind went straight to Jimin...friend or lover...

You shook that out of your mind and looked down at the tickets which said paid for the train there and back, lodging, and even breakfast and dinner...all for 3 days. You looked everywhere on the card for anything that said "jk you have to pay this tho lmao" but there was none.

"Thank-s," you said to the man who held his wide smile again, "have fun!!" He said as you bowed at him and walked away, hiding the tickets in your jackets pocket.


"Please answer...answer...answer-" you thought as you laid upside down on your couch again, holding the tickets in front of you proudly. "Heeeeello!" Jimin answered. You instantly smiled when his voice answered you, "hi Jimin! I went to that street by that huge know where- and some guy was giving away prizes and I won two tickets! They're for a resort in the mountains but they're only available for this weekend. "Oh dang nice!" He said and you continued, "I was wondering if you'd like to come with me. Not only in appreciation of everything you've done for me, but because I think you need a vacation too and we can go together.." you said, suddenly feeling your cheeks redden as you played with the hem of your shirt.

There was silence for a little while, but it instantly made you feel insecure, "ah..actually, I'm with my friend Cherry. Her family and I were gonna go someplace this entire weekend they mentioned I'm not sure where but I couldn't say no. They're too kind." You felt embarrassed to have asked as if you made a mistake, "oh.. no it's fine! It's okay. I'll ask- a friend if she wants to go."

"I'm Sorr-"

"No! Don't worry it's okay. Have fun this weekend then! Bye," your body was stiff with embarrassment.

"Yeah you too.." he said, and you hung up after. There was no one else you could ask to go with you. You looked down at the tickets, "I guess I can go by myself."


New Years Eve
The view on the way there got better and better. Mountains that were covered in green pines slowly became taller and full of soft snow. You sat on the train and sipped on a hot chocolate you ordered with the money you didn't have. Fuck it.

You arrived to the resort and placed your backpack on as you admired the scenery. "I'm glad we get to spend the New Year Here," you heard a girl tell her boyfriend as they passed by next to you. You wanted to go home now, but this would be nice too.

The room you stayed it was more luxurious than expected considering it was free. You opened the curtains that revealed the entire wall was a glass window, overlooking the resort and the mountains. It was beautiful. You smiled and laid on the bed but felt hungry.


"Here is your dinner! Enjoy." You began eating once she left and damn it was good. Every building here had a view you loved. It distracted you from every worry in your mind right now.

Two girls sat a few chairs next to you, "hey I heard they're having a firework show for the New Year up at the top of the mountain."

"Isn't that dangerous for the forest?"

"They do it every year though I'm sure it's safe."

"Alright let's go see them!"

You were definitely gonna go. You wondered if Jimin was having a good time, but you were having a good time too so thinking of him only upset you. You wanted him to come with you, but you can't always have everything.

After eating you walked out and enjoyed your stay by walking around, taking pictures, walking through historic rains etc. It was such an enjoyable place to be in. Being alone almost felt comforting. As the day went on, it quickly became eleven at night and everyone began taking the tram up to the top of the mountain. There were couples, friends and families all going up in groups to welcome the new year together and there you stood between them, by yourself.

Different conversations were heard, from future plans to love words flowering around you. You placed your earbuds in and blasted your music. When you reached the top, you saw hundreds of people finding their perfect spot to view the light show, but you didn't care where you sat. You opened your backpack, ate a few snacks and looked through the pictures you took on your phone before the show. Like always, your scarf hugged you tight in such a cold weather. You looked left and right to find happiness everywhere. minutes until the new year and you felt nothing. There was no thrill. What for?
Everyone began settling down but somehow the excitement rose up through people silencing. They announced the show was about to start at the mark of twelve. You fixed your beanie and waited for people to start counting down eventually.

10...people began cheering and counting down, saying goodbye to the old year and hoping for better things from the new one. let out a long sigh..this was the worst time to be alone and it was hitting you hard all of a sudden. looked down while everyone looked up.

7...your eyes turned to look around at every smiling face as they waited for explosions of colors to fill their hearts with excitement.

6...a grey scarf..

5...a soft smile..

4...and a girl next to him, wrapping her arm around his

3...your once cold cheeks became soft and red

2...and there were tears, unexpected ones.. to see him here...


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