Chapter 20

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Seeing as how I'm grounded for a while, I'm not allowed to answer the phone, watch T.V, or so much as think about Anthony. Well, realistically speaking, I can't consider seeing him again.

Annoyingly enough knowing I can't answer the phone when it rings if it's Anthony, it began to ring. I heard Dad answer it from upstairs.



"Look, son. Let me tell you something about my daughter. I know what you did. And I would just like to remind you that she is a determined, smart, dedicated, and beautiful young lady. I don't need some punk like you ruining that ambition of hers. So back off, don't call here again, and if I so much as see you lingering around her school grounds you are not permitted to be on, so help me God I will choke you with my bare hands. Got it?" He slams the phone back down on the wall.

Tears are filling my eyes again. I slam my bedroom door as loud as I can, letting him hear how angry I am with him. Why is the whole world so against us? Am I really that much of a sinner? I wonder if this is God's way of teaching me a lesson.

I rest my head on my pillow, crying my eyes out. Oh how I'd give if just for once I can see him again. Smell him. Touch his long, golden tea coloured hair, kiss his soft skin, press my lips up against his, feel his heart beating next to mine. Oh my Anthony, when will I ever see you again?


slowing updates for a chance of editing and improving the book.

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