Chapter 33

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Was going to update about the name change on its own, but it's pretty self explanatory even though i did want to announce it, so i decided to do another update. Now you know :) wuddyah think?


My eyes slowly flutter open as I feel myself rested back on the trailer couch, with a fluffy cover over me. I feel something dripping out of my nose; I wipe underneath it and notice a streak of blood on my finger.

I look up and see Anthony's back to me who's seated on the end of the couch.

"A-Anthony," I called softly. "I need a tissue."

He turns around, his eyes bloodshot red, like he'd been crying. He hands me a tissue and I wipe the blood off under my nose. It stopped bleeding but damn, how did that happen?

"How could you?" he then asked.

I sat up, throwing the tissue away. "How could I w-what?"

"This," he said, picking up the bag of cocaine. "Cocaine? Really Wren?"

I'm taken back by his tone. I remember what happened last night and I said, "Anthony, it was a mistake. I'm sorry."

"Why? Why would you do it, Wren? How did you even get this? You know what it doesn't matter. I can't even look at you." He got up, threw the bag away, and slammed the bathroom door closed.

There was a pocket sized picture that dropped to the floor that Anthony was holding before he stormed off. I tossed the sheets off of me and picked it up.

It was me. I looked about five years old, smiling brightly holding a teddy bear with Flea and another guy I didn't recognize behind me, smiling also. I'm so confused. How does he even have this? And what was he doing with it?

I rubbed the tiredness away from my eyes and yawned. I looked at the analogue wall clock that read 8:30; it's too early for this.

The door squeaks open, and I hear Anthony say, "His name was Hillel."


He walks closer to me, seating himself back down on the couch. "He died of a heroin overdose. It's been so hard without him here. Not only did we lose a guitar player, we lost a b-best friend." His eyes began forming tears in them.

"Anthony," I sighed, pulling him close to me.

He wept for a little bit before saying, "Wren, when I lost him, I lost everything. The reason why I was so mad was because I didn't want you to go through the same thing, and if you did it would be my fault. I can't think about you developing an addiction and being dead, my girl."

I wiped his tears away and kissed his cheek. "Anthony you'll never lose me. It's my fault anyway. I don't know what came over me, but last night...I saw you with a really pretty girl, and it made me jealous. I didn't know what to do, I felt more insecure than I already was. I didn't think twice before snorting, I just thought it was something people did when they felt futile, I didn't think about how damaging it would be. I think I also just wanted to do something rebellious, which was dumb. I'm-I'm sorry."

He holds me close, stroking the back of my ponytail. "What? But, you're so beautiful, Wren. I don't want you to think for a second that anything happened between her and me; she was just part of a groupie, I swear to God I didn't do anything. I couldn't hurt you. It broke my heart to see you passed out on the stairs, I thought you were dead. I was screaming like a mad man."

"Please don't be angry with me," I said, pulling out of his embrace.

"I'm not, I just want you to take care of yourself, please."

He seems very overprotective and concerned. The death of Hillel must've hit him badly. I couldn't imagine putting myself through something like that, for the sake of me and for him.

"I will, I promise."

He kisses my hand. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too."

My mind goes back to my parents. Even though they may be looking for me, I don't think I'm ready to face the music. I don't know how long it'll be before I see them again, and if I'm being completely honest, each day without being at home is making the anger towards my life wear off, like I've had my break and I'm ready to go back.

Even though I try to convince myself that's not entirely true, and I want to stay with Anthony forever. But I never though about what would happen as soon as this tour ends. And the thought scares me.

"But..." he continues, looking down.

"But what?"

I lifted his chin up so he'd look at me.

"Wren, I feel like a complete hypocrite."

"What are you talking about?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Last year I got clean," he admits.

" in?"

"As in I was once addicted to drugs myself. It decapitated my whole being, and seeing you like that just reminded me"

I sighed. "Anthony, there's no shame in admitting your drug problem. It was brave of you, baby. You can always talk to me about anything."

He softly smiled. "Thank you for being understanding, cutie."

I kissed his shoulder and said, "Always."

Always, indeed.

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