(2) Freezing To Death

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Tears of happiness fell from my eyes as I watched a trail of blood trace the perfectly white snow.

My eyes wandered across the snow slowly as I stared at the blood coming from my father who was being dragged away by a few shinobi.

I smiled,"Bye bye daddy enjoy your life... in hell."

I turned around slowly to see a tall shinobi staring down at me. He grabbed me by my wrist and began dragging me away from my father.

"S-Stop, p-p-please."

The shinobi didn't stop.

"Please stop. You're hurting me."

The shinobi didn't stop and kept dragging me," There's no such thing as gentle in the shinobi world."


I fluttered my eyes open and I smiled. Memories such as those ones were happy to me. It was what he deserved ... the fake man.

He was responsible for my mother's death there was no doubt about it. And I... I was responsible for his. I got up immediately and silently let my eyes wander across the room.

I didn't hate men nor did I hate women. In fact, I had no preference when it came to the two. Both were corrupt in their ways. My father wasn't exactly nice but wasn't exactly cruel. The same was with my mother. The difference between the two was that my dad was fake. His kindness was fake, his gestures were fake every moment I spent with him I later figured out was either for his benefit or so that he could paint a perfect picture of who he was to me.

Which was also fake.

My mother, on the other hand, was real when she said something she meant it.
No matter how cold it was she wasn't afraid to speak her mind even if she hurt for it. Just like me who would say my mind even it meant death.

My father killed my mother out of rage. He always had problems with controlling his anger. He calmed down though afterwards as soon as he saw me staring at him with wide eyes and as soon as he realized what he did I really never could think of him as my father again.

I killed him. With ice. Dry ice.

My mother had ice release so I did too but my ice was dry. Why? Because I felt dry inside and out. Other than that I have no idea why it's so cold. I have no problem with touching it and I actually like touching cold things because they always remind me of myself. My temperature is usually cold. It's just like that because of who I am and to be quite frank.

It's not normal.

Because I'm cold I hate being touched because the warmth of the hand or body part makes me feel like I'm melting. Not only that but the main reason is that after watching my father injure my mother whenever I'm touched I feel like I'm being sucked into the past.

The shinobi who take me away from my father had plans for me. I was brought to the mist and turned into a weapon for them. I fought countlessly day after day until I went rogue. I left the village and killed my comrades.

I got rid of my most noticeable feature my short spiky hair and grew it out long and straight so that it was almost to my knees. I moved to this village which had no shinobi here or passing through it. It was surrounded by villages that let shinobi through though. Which made it the best location for me to be in as I was safe here but if worst came to worst I could just escape to one of the other villages.

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