(11) Impossible Peace

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A few days passed with Tobi being in the hideout and we continued being roommates. My new room was being made down the hallway and I was happy.

I continued making my bugs and I had made about eighty thousand of them so far.

They were all kept in my box and were shut close. As for me and Tobi, we've been the same as usual. Mutual. He isn't as exciting as Kisame but he certainly is peaceful. He keeps himself in silence and keeps his problems to himself. I like that.

I smiled as I put my box of creatures down.

Though I am still curious about why Tobi started the war as a whole, I feel as if I don't need to know, at least, not yet.

He was as busy as usual and I didn't want to come in between his business with war. I'd rather be kept out of it.

I continued to mind my own business until the door flung open from behind me.

Tobi walked in and grabbed another pair of his black gloves. My eyebrow raised as I stared at his hand in silence. Why did he need two pairs of gloves in the first place? He was already wearing some.

I was about to stay something but as quickly as he came he left. I got up slowly opening the door and looking at Tobi through the crack in the door. I knew he could sense my chakra following him but he said nothing. Finally, when we were outside the hideout which was surrounded by trees Tobi finally stopped walking.

"Why are you following me?" he asked not even bothering to turn round.

I looked at him intensely staring at his the back of his head with my blue eyes.

"You said a few days ago you started this war for peace? What exactly did you mean by that?"

Tobi turned around slowly and simply stared at me for a long time.

"I'll tell you later," he said before walking away from me in silence.

"Don't follow me," I heard him say.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before turning around and walking back into the hideout. I sighed as I walked into the room and sat down crisscrossed. Peace? Did he really think that was possible? I sighed before rolling my eyes and going back to work. After a while, I got tired of working and decided to simply think.

I was deep in thought when Tobi finally came in and I looked at him as he passed me by.

He said nothing but then faced me.

"You asked me what I meant by peace.... why do you want to know in the first place?" he asked.

I smirked,"I'm just curious that's all," I said quickly,"I'm interested in how you think such a thing exists."

"Oh, really?" I heard him say in what sounded like an amused voice.

"I see..."

"Well if you really want to know then I guess I'll just come out and tell you. No more bloodshed,or hatred," he said.

I stared at him before blinking,"You really think such a thing is achievable?"

He scoffed,"I guessed you were like me in your way of thinking."

"I actually do think it is possible."I said making Tobi tilt his head," but it's a huge stretch, " I continuing,"almost impossible, at least in my eyes," I said looking down at my fingers.

I stared at him before sighing," So good luck with your plans," I said rolling my eyes slowly.

He simply went and sat down on the bed with not a word escaping from his lips.

I went ahead and rolled my eyes over and over again before facing the ground and thinking.

His mind was so simple. I would have thought that Madara would have more of a complex mind. Then again if he was set on such a goal. I was not against it.

"Good," I said out loud," If anyone can do it I'm sure it would be you but, still, how do you intend to do that by having a war where people will die. How is that good? How will that bring about peace."

"When the time comes you will know," he said in a loud voice.

I chuckled,"Go for it, Madara. Impress me."


Days passed and I continued to support Tobi silently with his goals. I was happy being with him knowing that there was someone else who thought somewhat like me.

"Hey, Madara."

He looked up at me at once.

"You know I've been thinking. When will Kisame be back?"

He looked down back at the scroll he was reading.

"I don't know," he said.

"When he's done with his mission he'll be back," he said.

I frowned. That didn't help at all. "I already knew that much," I said mumbling underneath my breath.

"I'm done with the bugs," I said clearly.

His mask moved up a bit,"Oh, really, good. You always seem to be on top of things. The war keeps approaching. I'm surprised you actually got this much done. I must have underestimated you."

I smirked,"Seems regular. I underestimated you and you underestimate me.

He simply scoffed.

"Right," he said.

"Mizuki," I heard him say,"make one hundred thousand more of those creatures."

My eyebrows furrowed,"Seriously?" I asked my voice slightly upset.

"Yes," he responded.


Eleventh Chapter| Impossible Peace completed❤️❤️❤️




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