(25) Pregnant

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Mizuki POV

Nine months later...

I was pregnant. It was obvious to both me and Obito. You could see it just by looking at me and it was the most annoying thing ever. I was due in a week or so and even though I personally didn't really enjoy it I was happy I was with child. Obito on the other hand really seemed to enjoy seeing me like this. He found it cute and would always fantasize about him being a father. I was surprised he has been so happy. I've never seen him so light-hearted.

It made me feel happy, that he was excited, after all, I was happy myself.

A few days passed and news spread around the village that a new family had come in. Their house was being built and seeing as this was a small community typed village many of us were going to visit them and to meet them. Obito wanted to stay home because he had no interest in meeting anyone else in the village. He already had quite the group of friends in the village which was surprising, but because he wanted to stay close to me he ended up coming to protect me. I was surprised that he decided to do this but I didn't object. After all, I wanted to stay close to Obito. I wanted to be protected. It was almost strange. We went to visit the family but when we got there they weren't there. Instead, they were quite a distance away staring at the pond with each other. It seemed they were a couple. I walked up to them to say something but it seemed that they beat us to it because they suddenly turned around to see us. I looked at the woman with black silky long hair but it was the man that caught my attention. He looked familiar. He had brown hair and even he was staring at me. Obito noticed this and he stepped closer to me and then I heard the man speak.

"Mizuki?" he said.

I immediately stiffened. He knew my name. How? I stared at him closely and he laughed.

"You don't remember me? It's Haru."

I blinked a couple times before my eyes widened. Haru?

That's when I remembered. Haru.

Haru, a person who I could never really pinpoint and a person who if he really wanted to would probably take years to earn my complete trust.

From like two or three years ago. My eyes widened.

"H-Haru? You...you...you're married?"

He immediately blushed before pointing to his ring.

I smiled before laughing.

"You too, huh?" he said and I smiled before looking down at the ring Obito had bought me soon after he told me we were married.

"I'm surprised," he said before laughing.

I laughed and I felt myself smile. He didn't seem as bad as he used to. He had changed. Or perhaps...I had changed. Either way, I was happy I had seen him again. He certainly seemed grown up.

After a while, we said our goodbyes and departed.

Obito looked at me,"Where do you know him from?" he asked.

He looked extremely defensive and cautious and I simply smiled,"It was before I met you. It was in one of the villages. When Pein recruited me. He used to like me."

Obito's eyes widened,"Really?"

I nodded,"Really."

He walked me home and I sat on the bed in perfect silence. I was staring at Obito in perfect silence. He was reading a book and he looked down at me and his eyebrow slowly rose,"What?" he asked.

"I'm just admiring you, that's all," I said.

He slowly put the book he was reading down and faced me. A smile slowly spread across his face and he leaned closer to me. His hand touched my huge belly and I laughed,"You truly are going to make a great father."

He scoffed before rubbing my belly slowly,"What you think I don't know that," he asked.

He began to chuckle as he began to poke my belly. I sighed,"You truly are weird."

He looked at me and frowned,"And your not," he asked.

I smiled,"Your right...I am weird."

He smiled,"I'm going to be a father soon.." he said gently.

"Why are you so excited to be a father?" I asked him.

He looked at me,"Because... I was an orphan growing up so... I always wonder what I would be like as a father..."

I sighed,"You're so weird."

He sighed,"I know."

A day passed and I was in the kitchen eating blueberries. I was enjoying them and Obito was right beside me. I was about to eat another one when I a strong pain go through my abdomen. I grabbed my belly slowly before I felt another one come. I gritted my teeth and Obito immediately noticed.

He narrowed his eyes at me before picking me up. He knew at once I was going through labour.


Three hours later...

All was said and done. It was a fast delivery surprisingly. It hurt a lot more than I thought it would but I still managed to make it through. The baby was lying on my chest and I felt my heart beat faster. It was a girl. I blinked a few times. The baby was a girl. I smiled.

It would grow up completely different from me and Obito. It would have a normal childhood. With two parents constantly watching over her.

"Obito-san, you can come in, now," I heard one of the nurses say.

Obito walked in slowly and he immediately headed over to me. He smiled.

"So this is her," Obito said,"Emiko."

I smiled and nodded,"Isn't she beautiful?"

He smiled,"Mother like daughter," he said.


Twenty-Five Chapter | Pregnant ❤❤❤

One more chapter and this book ends :(




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