(23) Mrs. Uchiha

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My favourite chapter :3


Obito POV

I and Mizuki were walking to yet another village when she began to complain.

"I'm tired," she said.

I pretended I hadn't heard what she said and passed her by.

"Obito, I'm talking to you," she said running after me.

"Do we even have any money, us?" She asked.

I looked at her for the first time in an hour,"Yes," I said as my feet shuffled in the grass.

She scoffed,"It won't be enough to last a lifetime," she said mumbling yet I still heard her.

"Actually," I said loudly,"it will."

She looked surprised and she immediately locked arms with me,"How?" she asked.

"There used to be a member in the Akatsuki...his name was Kakuzu he used to collect money for the organization. I always took five percent of the money earned on each of his missions. I kept in case I would need it. After a while, I was left with more money I could handle. It's all in this suitcase," I said as I pointed to the giant suitcase I had been holding all this time.

She nodded,"So that's what's in there."

We continued walking until finally, her complaining became too much.

My eyebrow began to twitch and I glared at her.

"Fine, we'll stop," I said,"but the nearest village is quite the distance from here."

"Can't you just use Kamui?" she asked and I scoffed.

"I've used it so many times because of you I feel I should take a break. After all, even though people don't know about my face they know yours. I have to use it carefully."

She scoffed but then smiled,"I've always admired how cautious you are."

"I know," I said.


We continued to walk farther and farther until it was evening. We finally arrived at the village and I sighed.

"We're here," I said as I looked at the village.

"Let's sleep somewhere in this village. Though I don't really feel like eating or sleeping for that matter I think you need to."

She looked at me,"Why don't you need to sleep or eat?"

I smiled,"There's still so much you don't know about me. Did you ever see White Zetsu eat?" I asked her.

"No," she said," but what does that have to do with anythi-"

I cut her off,"The right side of my body is made of him...so I really don't care much for eating...or sleeping for that matter."

She nodded slowly before looking at me,"Well?" She asked,"Don't just stand there take me somewhere to eat something?"

"What do you want to eat?" I asked.

She blinked,"Inarizushi," she said.

(see picture above ⬆️)

I looked at her,"That's all?" I asked.

She nodded and I treated her to it. When she was done eating I made her find an inn for us both of us to sleep in.

She grumbled,"Why must I?"

I scoffed,"I found the restaurant you find an inn. A good one."

She looked at me and smiled,"Fine," she said,"I'll make sure you like it."

I spent fifteen minutes waiting for her by a tree until she came back claiming she had found one.
She actually did a good job and I paid for it and we went to our room. It was very traditional so I knew we would be sleeping on a futon and as soon as I walked in Mizuki passed me by. She immediately went straight to the futon and laid down and so I came with her. I laid down on the bed with her and I stared at her face. She stared at mine and she laid her head on my chest.

We laid there in silence for about thirty minutes before she began to speak.

"I've been thinking...are we...considered married?" she asked.

I immediately stiffened.

Mizuki POV

I felt him stiffen,"What made that question come up?" he asked.

I smiled,"Just the thought of being married, that's all."

He stared at me,"Well...do you want to be married to me?"

A heavy blush appeared on my face and I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Obito was staring at me waiting for an answer.

I was shocked I couldn't think of anything to say. Obito sighed as he got up.


He got up slowly and went down on one knee. He looked up at me and put my hands on top of his.

He looked deep into my eyes and I felt my heart flutter. At the same time, it was beating out of my chest.

He was about to propose wasn't he?

There was a silence,"Mizuki, will you marry me?"

Suddenly I felt tears come to my eyes. I began to cry as I sniffled and Obito patted me on the back.

Since when had I ever cried this hard. I gave him my reply," Of course, I will Obito."

He stared at me with a smile,"Then we're married."

He gave me a couple minutes to calm down and he hugged me closely.

I wiped my tears away and my eyebrow rose,"We're married that easily?"

He sighed,"Well your parents aren't here for me to ask for you and I'm an orphan so there's no reason for me to ask for approval to parents."

"Your an orphan?" I asked.

He sighed,"There's so much you don't know about me, Mizuki."

I giggled,"I'll learn about you then."

He simply smiled before running his fingers through my silver hair.

"In time...you will," he said.

His eyes then wandered down to meet mine.

"Enough talk," he said,"you told me you were tired, remember?"

I nodded and right before I closed my eyes I felt his lips collide with mine. It was a quick short kiss like last time and I blushed heavily as he slowly pulled away from me.

"Goodnight Mrs.Uchiha."

"Goodnight Obito," I said in response,"I...I love yo-"

I cut myself off as I blushed.

"I love you too, Mizuki," he said.

I smiled as I buried my face in his chest yet again and fell into a deep slumber.

Twenty-Third Chapter | Mrs. Uchiha ❤❤❤




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