(9) Collapsed

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Mizuki POV

It was a pitch black universe. Blocks floated everywhere, and I was in the middle of nowhere.I looked around and over and over again until finally, I sat down silently. I didn't know what do my mind wandered. Where was I? I felt my heart began to beat. How long would I be here?

I felt myself stiffen and I smiled. So this was Tobi? He certainly was different than before. Perhaps I would start to believe him after this but then the thought of him lying made me feel uneasy.

My eyebrow raised. Then again, who in their right mind would lie about being Madara Uchiha?

Would Tobi really lie about such a thing? Would he really go that far unless he truly was him? Had he deceived me from the very beginning?

Minutes passed and I saw the dimension I was in slowly start to shrink. Smaller and smaller it got and I stiffened before taking a deep breath as I felt myself being sucked out. My sight went blank for a second before I found myself in the same room I had been in before.

I looked directly at Tobi and smiled,"That's an interesting jutsu you have there."

His red Sharingan glowed,"I know, Mizuki."

There was a long profound silence as we stared at each other. Finally, Tobi spoke,"Have you changed your mind about me yet?"

I answered without thinking twice,"No," I simply said.

His eyes immediately narrowed,"Oh, your opinion still hasn't changed," his deep voice said getting an octave lower.

I stood up as I felt the numb feeling in my legs disappeared, I didn't know why I felt so tired in the first place.

I looked at him,"I am Mizuki, the ice shinobi, you should know by now, I am very very stubborn."

I heard him chuckle,"Indeed you are."

I looked at the wall,"I do still think you're Tobi, but because of the sake of talk, we had earlier I guess... I'll address you as Madara."

His Sharingan turned off,"Good," he said,"now leave. I have work to do."

I rolled my eyes,"Okay, Madara."

I walked slowly in perfect silence and into my room and closed the door gently. I slowly got up and began preparing for the war.

I made miniature creatures that would freeze people in there tracks if they made contact with them. There were one hundred and fifty of them and they were all prepared for the long long war. I sighed as I sat up straight. I still felt tired surprisingly so I laid down on my bed silently and slowly drifted into a long deep sleep.

Later on...

It was the middle of the night when a pebble landed on my face. I immediately woke up and looked around cautiously before lying back down. I wondered what had happened but I simply shrugged and tried to go back to sleep but I felt more pebbles hit my face and I sat up slowly and got up.

I looked around and there was a huge silence before a huge rock landed on my bed and I felt my whole body shiver.

I looked up at the ceiling and everything finally made sense. The ceiling was collapsing. I quickly got up getting my creatures and Akatsuki cloak and heading out. I heard what sounded like boulders collapsing behind me but there was no time to look back.

I headed towards Tobi's room and everything looked fine. My head tilted was it only the east side of the hideout that was collapsing?

I walked into Tobi's room but not seeing anyone I walked inside.

I slowly landed on the bed which had no covers and laid down with the box of creatures on the bed. I planned to wait for Tobi to come back but before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

Obito POV

I had come back from dealing with some "business" and was planning to rest a bit before going out again. I opened the door to my room and removed my mask only to stiffen to see Mizuki in my room. I immediately stiffened and grabbed my mask only to observe she was sleeping. I immediately gave a sigh of relief and walked towards her sleeping body.

Her silver hair was covering most of her face and I felt myself calm down knowing she was actually human.

I walked closer to her and I felt my heart began to beat. It had been a long time since I had been close to a female without having the intention to harm them.

I sighed as I slowly put my mask back on. There was no way I could rest easy while she was here. It was close to impossible.

I then looked back at her, why was she here in the first place? She had her room? Why was she here?

I took a final glance towards here before leaving the room and leaving towards her room. On my way there, though I realized the whole hallway towards her room and collapsed.

I blinked once. It finally made sense now. The ceiling had collapsed because of how many white Zetsu's where underground around here.

I slowly turned around and headed back to my room and by the time I closed the door, I heard a voice.


I looked behind me and Mizuki seemed to be awake I looked at her and she looked at me before rubbing her eyes once.

"I have this," she said getting a box that laid on my bed and opening it.

I walked towards it and looked down at it at small what looked like spiders made of ice. Multiple of them.

"How many are there?" I asked silently.

She looked up at me,"One hundred fifty."

"Show me how they work," I said quietly.

Her blue eyes looked at my orange mask,"I need someone to test them on."

She looked at me and then tilted my head,"May I?"

I scoffed,"You can't test them on me," I said,"Come, we'll test them on Zetsu."

I watched her slowly get up and wear her Akatsuki cloak and we walked side by side to Zetsu.

"Do it now," I said.

Part 2:

She let one down and it crawled to Zetsu's feet. He noticed it but before he could escape the bug crawled and touched his feet. It made Mizuki laugh and a few seconds passed and Zetsu was completely frozen.

"If I clench my fist he'll die," she said.

I stared at Zetsu and back at her. My Sharingan was on.

"I understand the jutsu now. Undo it."

She turned the ice into steam and begin to speak,"If someone else tries to melt this ice with fire, or water it won't work. If it's water it will only make the ice grow. If it's fire it will only put the person on fire because of the chemicals I put inside the bugs."

I nodded slowly.

"You should rest now," I said.

She tilted her head,"Where?"

"Where you were before," I responded.

Se blinked a few times,"You mean your room?"

"Yes," I responded.

She tilted her head,"Why are you being so nice to me?"

I smirked beneath the mask,"Because..., you're making one hundred thousand of those spiders tomorrow.

Her jaw dropped,"Your joking right?"

I gave a short chuckle before passing her by.

I heard her giggle,"Okay," she said.


Ninth Chapter| Collapsed completed❤️❤️❤️




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