(26) Epilouge

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Five years later...

Mizuki POV

Obito looked at me,"She certainly is an active one isn't she?"

I nodded as I smiled,"She is isn't she?"

We both were staring at Emiko who was running around us aimlessly while laughing. Obito simply laughed and I just continued to smirk.

She suddenly stopped and jumped into Obito's lap.

"Daddy!" she screamed as she held him tightly.

He patted her head and smiled. I simply watched them as a huge smile spread on my face.

Things certainly have changed from how they were back than five years ago. We had become full-fledged parents. Something I thought would be impossible for someone like me. He was a father now and I was a mother. I was almost too happy. I cherished every moment we got as parents.

Emiko is still quite young and I was supposed to be the mother role but it seemed that Obito was also good at playing that role. We switched roles constantly and we ended up both putting equal time in towards Emiko.

She was still growing and even I have to admit she was a lot more active then I thought she would be. Always running around being reckless, eating things, anything in fact. She's the complete opposite of how I was when I was young. However, according to Obito, she's a lot like how he was when he was younger. Active, smiling and joyful.

Despite that, she inherited my looks mostly at least. She had silver hair but black eyes. I wondered if she would inherit the sharingan like Obito but I was in no rush to make her learn ninjutsu. After all, she is already able to make little ice sculptures without me saying anything or teaching anything.

As for Obito, he actually has managed to make himself friends with Haru. It's strange I never expected him to do such a thing. I always thought their personalities opposed each other but they seemed to get along.

And I and Obito...we're the same as ever, with each other, bound to each other. I love him and he loves me.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt Emiko pounce on me. I looked down at her.

"What's wrong, mom," she asked.

I smiled,"Nothing."

"Really," Obito's voice said,"you're quite lost in thought," he said.

"I was just thinking how close you two are," I said and Emiko hugged me tighter.

Obito rolled his eyes. He knew I was lying. He could read me like a book.

"Well, I think I'll make breakfast now," I said as I lifted Emiko off me and on to her father's lap.

Obito nodded before stroking Emiko's silver hair meanwhile I went to make miso soup.

Obito POV

I watched Mizuki leave to make breakfast and I continued to play with Emiko. When breakfast was ready we began to eat but...

"Emiko, stop playing with your food," Mizuki said her voice stern.

I had to admit the fact she could raise her voice at Emiko was something I was jealous. She didn't spoil her as much as I did. However, I had no intention of being too soft with her.

Emiko pouted and I sighed,"Just eat it," I said and Emiko pouted more.

Mizuki's eyebrow twitched and Emiko immediately began to eat. I laughed a bit before continuing to eat in silence.

When we were finished Mizuki took Emiko for a bath and I headed outside. I stretched and went for a walk. I passed many people but only stopped walking when I saw Konoha shinobi passing through the village. It was always a shortcut taking this village but it was only one shinobi that caught my attention. Kakashi. He was hoping through the trees and he made eye contact with me. He immediately stopped jumping and stared at me with wide eyes. I slowly turned around and began walking away only to hear his voice.

"Are you...Obito?"

I turned around and looked at him,"Obito? Never heard of him," I said before walking away from him.

My sharingan was turned off so there was no way he could tell it was me. As for my rinnegan...he really couldn't tell anything from it. I felt his chakra stay there for a while before he left. I sighed. I held nothing against him. I sighed. My past would always be a part of me.

I walked back home and spent the rest of the time in the house. We took constant care of Emiko before she went to bed. It was evening when we were done all our work and Mizuki looked at me.

"Look at you.... getting old already," she said and I sighed.

"Shut up," I said.

She smiled,"Are you gonna stay awake tonight? Or go to sleep?"

I shrugged,"I guess, I'll sleep tonight. Though, I don't feel like it."

Mizuki POV

I grabbed Obito's hand and led him to the bedroom before laying him flat on the bed and cuddling on to his chest. I heard him sigh before stroking my hair and I closed my eyes. I simply stayed perfectly still until I felt him kiss me on my forehead and I giggled gently.

It was strange looking back at everything. It felt so nostalgic just thinking about it. He was Tobi then Madara and now Obito, and through it all, I had been with him. A rogue ninja from the hidden mist finding comfort in a ninja from Konoha. Who was fake for most of his life.

It was strange but strange wasn't necessarily bad.

I finally broke the silence as I looked up at Obito's face.

"Thank you...for being with me... Obito."

He looked down at me and then smiled as gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

"No, thank you, Mizuki," he said as he looked down at me and then smiled as he gave me a gentle series of kisses.

Each one being more gentle than the one before it.


Gentle | Uchiha Obito is now complete🎉🎉🎉

Omg! I wrote chapter 10-26 in a week. A week. This was the most intense challenge ever and I loved it❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for viewing and reading this story❤️🔥





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