(14) Thunder

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Double Update❤️❤️❤️

Mizuki POV

A day passed and it was still raining. It was bit annoying but I actually liked the fact it was. I liked it because Tobi stayed in the hideout more often than usual. Whenever he was around I could feel my heart beating through my chest and I knew I liked him. There was no doubt in my mind. It felt strange because this was the first time I had felt this way towards anyone.

I never thought it would happen honestly but now that it had I wanted my feelings to follow through with my actions. I wanted to be near to him and him to be near to me.

Though Tobi seemed to be the type to not return his feelings. I felt as if he would never show that he liked me even if he did but then again. Yesterday I had found myself lying in bed and not in the cave. I wondered if he had carried me back but I wasn't sure.

It was evening when Tobi came in and he stared at me for quite the long time. My eyebrow raised before I walked over to him.

He stared at me but I simply reached out for his hand. I felt him stiffen but I didn't care.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I looked up at him with a blush on my face," I want to wear your gloves."

He continued to stare at me before removing one of his gloves and giving it to me. I smiled and wore it,"How do you wear this all day. Doesn't it get annoying?" I asked moving my hand around in it.

"It does sometimes..."

I smiled before giving him back his glove.

He put it back on and sat down on the bed.

"Weren't you going to do something important today?" I asked.

He sighed,"I can't do it, it 's still raining."

I and he talked until evening about war, problems and Kisame... and that's when it happened.


Thunder. It made a loud clashing sound and I immediately stiffened. I felt chills go down my back and my heart began to bet extremely fast I began to sweat and shiver.

Tobi who had been talking to me saw me like this and tilted his head.

"What are you doing?"

Thunder clashed again and I immediately curled up into a ball and Tobi began to chuckle.

"The high and mighty Mizuki, the ice ninja from the mist, feared across the land is not scared of death but is scared of thunder?"

I looked up at him too weak to glare at him and went back to curling myself into a ball.

He saw this and he slowly unwrapped me from the ball I was in. A blush made its way on to my face and I felt him move my hair out of my face. I looked at him with wide eyes and felt my heart beating even harder then it had been before.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him.

I felt my heart began to beat as he cuddled me against his chest. I had no idea what to do with my hands so I simply wrapped them around his torso. I slowly buried my face into his chest and I began to shiver yet again as I heard more thunder.

"It won't hurt you," he said,"I'm here."

I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I shoved my head back into his chest until I heard no more thunder. I looked back up at him and his sharingan was glowing. He slowly lifted up his mask enough for me to see only his lips and he landed them on my forehead. A blush made its way to my face and I continued to hold him tightly. We stayed in the same position the rest of the night and before I knew it it was official... I really really loved Tobi.


Fourteen Chapter| Thunder completed❤️❤️❤️




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