(4) Tobi

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Mizuki POV

Kisame and I continued hopping through the trees and we didn't stop until dawn. I and he sat down while I listened to him as he told me about the people in the Akatsuki. He had already told me I was going to have a partner.

"Hey, Kisa, what does guy look like."

He made a face," Oh, you mean Tobi, he wears a swirly mask."

"And what's his personality?"

He grinned.

I frowned," Tell me!"

He sighed," He's... dumber than he looks."

I nodded slowly before processing what he said," Wait, what?"

Kisame began jumping in the trees away from me," It's time to go," he said.

"Kisa!" I followed him as I began ranting.

"You're telling me you've got or had great powerful people in this Akatsuki like Itachi and Sasori of the red sand but I get stuck with a guy who's dumber than he looks?"

Kisame grinned.

We continued our journey and Kisame finally stopped at mid-afternoon. My eyes wandered looking for my "new" partner but they didn't meet anything.

We waited for about thirty minutes until I finally saw something in the distance.

"That's him," Kisame said

Someone who was wearing a cloak like mine poked out his head from behind a tree. I blinked a few times before pointing at the person.

"It can't be-"

I looked to see Kisame but he was gone.

I mumbled a few colourful words as I began to approach this so-called Tobi.

I stood perfectly still before approaching the person. I stood directly in front of him silently and he immediately spoke.

"Oh, so your Mizuki-chan!"

There was a silence as my eyes scanned him up and down. High-ish pitched voice and weird gestures. A child in an adult body. That's what he was.

He started to squirm "Tobi wasn't expecting you to look so..."

My eyebrow twitched," So... what?"




"So... dead."

I blinked a few times before smiling," Thank you. "

He stood perfectly still and tilted his head at me. I looked around at him.

"Umm... Kisame told me that you would show me a particular hideout. Take me there...now."

He stood perfectly still as if he was a stone. Suddenly he waved his arms around frantically as he walked around a circle.

"Tobi forgot where the hideout is."

My eyebrow raised slowly and I sighed before walking up a tree and sitting down in it waiting for Tobi to calm down. It took him five minutes but when he did he looked up at me and said something that caused me to go slightly confused.

"Tobi is a good boy," he said," Tobi remembers now Mizuki-chan."

I stared at him for a good ten seconds before coming down from the tree and standing directly in front of him.

"Take me there, Tobi."

Tobi nodded and grabbed my arm before running forward faster than I thought he could go.

At least, I thought he was running but in reality, he was actually skipping. He acted as if he didn't have a care in the world but unfortunately, I not liking a particular thing he was doing stopped walking or rather being dragged behind.

He stopped looked behind him and tilted his head.

"What's wrong Mizuki-chan."

"Don't touch me, Tobi," I simply said.

There was a silence as he let go of my arm slowly.

"Okay," he said before skipping forward and acting as if nothing happened.

I followed him silently and I sighed over and over again each step I took.

I don't think I can ever take this guy seriously. Never.


( ° •°) - Do u want a cookie??





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