Chapter 25

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"Yeah." Ryan nodded, looking at me.

"I don't understand." My voice came out in a surprised whisper.

"Turns out, few years ago after Mom gave birth to me, she slept with another man. At a club."

"Oh, Ry. . ."

"I found out almost a month ago. I was so angry about the whole situation, but," he sighed, "She explained, she was married to dad then, and she couldn't keep the baby, she said she was only lucky that Brooke's dad wanted her."

"That's very rare." I swallowed, "Why didn't you tell me or Bambi?"

"I was going to. I swear, Kenzi, I was, but at first I was so busy. I had to make sure Brooke was right about what she was saying. I mean, it all came as a shock. I was standing by my locker one day, and then she came to me. She told me the story and asked me to believe her, but I didn't. How could she just walk up to me and say she was my sister?-" He paused.

"I couldn't believe it. When she saw that I wouldn't believe her, she asked me to come over to her house, to meet her dad. And I did. He was the most pleasant man, he told me everything that had happened and he said what happened between he and Mom was like a one night stand thing. He said, after that night, he didn't hear anything from mom, even if he did want to see her again, the next time he heard from her, she told him she was pregnant, and he was glad", Ryan chuckled, "He said he was the happiest man on earth that day and that was why when Mom begged that he kept Brooke, he was more than excited", Ryan sighed.

"However, he said he later married for the wrong reasons, and now, he and his wife are divorced. He's a single dad now. He practically raised Brooke alone. It seems to me like, he feels something for mom, but. . .", he shrugged. "It was extremely hard in the beginning, and I didn't want to bring you into it, because you were also having a hard time and all. Couldn't tell Bambi, because I knew for sure, Bambi would tell you..", he looked at me,"But things are better now. I've been spending some time with Brooke's dad. He's perfect, very different from mine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

I sat still, looking at the guy beside me, mind flashing to the times when he'd come to my house in the night to sleep because his dad was drunk and his mom wasn't home, and tears spilled onto my cheek again. I realised, though, that I was crying for him because I was happy for him.

"I'm happy for you, Ryan. You have no idea how much I am." I chuckled through my tears, "You've always wanted a sister to play superman to."

"Well, I have you and Bambi. . . but now, I have three girls to watch out for. I deserve a honorary award."

I laughed through my tears again and this time, Ryan was sure to wipe my tears away.

"I jumped into conclusions​, and I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. In fact, I want you and Bambi to meet her tomorrow. I was always telling her about you two. Not when you change into different clothes twenty times in, like, five minutes and ask me to tell you how you look, and when Bambi chases after me so she could try make up on me." He said as we both laughed.

"True." I said as my laughter died down.

"What went wrong today?"

"I was only feeling down." I said as I waved a hand in the air as if it wasn't that much of a deal.

He sighed, "I'm sorry I wasn't there. Mrs Martinez had no intention of letting me go after she called me after the class."

I let out a small chuckle, "I knew she was going to call you back. What happened to you?"

"I was just beating myself up today about the day before." He waved his hand in the air too, repeating my action.

"I'm sorry." I said again, and this time he didn't say anything, he looked at me for a while, before finally wrapping his arms around me.

"How's Mom?" He asked behind me.

I pulled away and looked at him, "Last time I went to the hospital, she wasn't doing too​ well." I shook my head,"I need a job. I really do."

"Hey, I know a place you could work at."

My eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Yeah. I don't know how much the pay is, but, I know they need a waitress."

"It's a diner?" I asked, smiling with eyes bulging. I must look like an idiot.

"Yeah." He nodded

"Where's it?" I asked like a little child.

Ryan chuckled, "Calm your ass down. I'll take you there after school tomorrow."

"You're awesome, Ryan!" I said as I flung my arms around him, hugging him tight.

"Of course, I don't need to be told that." He said, smirking, as I pulled away.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him, "Get over yourself, Ryan.  I'm so glad we talked this evening, like, you even looked for me."

"No, I didn't. I was coming to the rock to have some alone time." He rolled his eyes.

"You're a terrible liar. You obviously came to my house to look for me first. You love me."

"No, not really, I don't."

"That sounds like confusion in one sentence. Pick one," I chuckled.


Ryan was simply the best.

I felt really terrible he had to go through all that alone. Finding out he had a sister in the same school as him all along must have been hard, but now he was happy and that was all that mattered.

And that was why when I pulled my covers over my body, I smiled. Excited for Ryan. Excited for the next day. Excited to get a job, possibly. Most of all, excited to meet Brooke.

Mackenzie | √Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ