Chapter 58

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"Mommy, look at me!" I said, twirling in the gown mom got for me. "I feel like a princess!"

"You are a princess!" Dad walked into the kitchen from upstairs, his American accent loud and clear.

"Daddy!" I squealed as I ran to jump into his arms.

"Hey there, fine wine!" He caught me,  throwing me up and then catching me as I giggled. He walked up to mom who leaned on the counter, kissing her lip, "Hey babe."

"Hi honey," mom kissed him back.

"Ew," I waved my hands in front of them and they pulled away, laughing​.

"It's not 'ew', it's yum," dad pulled my cheek.

"Yum? I like yum." I looked at him, too young to understand what he meant by that.

"Yeah, it's yum, but you won't be doing that anytime soon, so you're good."

"Honey, there's this stuff at MZ's school tomorrow. I can't be there, but I was wondering if you could be there," mom asked, pushing her hair away from her face.

"Uh, I've got someone to meet, but it's fine, I'll call to cancel," dad said, placing me down on the counter, standing in the middle of my legs.

"Babe, you don't have to do that," mom walked to the fridge, opening it and  taking out a banana.

"It's not​ a problem. She should come first," he kissed my cheek causing me to giggle as I threw my arms around him.

"Come here, MZ, it's time for breakfast," mom called, clapping her hands.

"Breakfast!" I said excitedly and got off the counter, dad holding me so I wouldn't fall.

"Yes, baby, breakfast!" Mom smiled, pushing to me a plate of vegetables.

I wrinkled my nose at the sight of vegetables in front of me. "I hate vegetables!" I whined.

"They make you strong, MZ," mom said, looking up at me as she sat with dad, eating off the same plate with him.

"No, they make me puke," I  pushed my plate forward.

"Smart ass," dad chuckled.

"You're supposed to be helping me here, Brandon," mom sighed at him.

"Sorry, babe," he looked from mom to me, "See, vegetables make you have really beautiful skin."

"My bathing soap does that already," I said, rolling my eyes.

"This girl actually is smart," dad whispered to mom who smiled. He turned back to look at me, "Well, with vegetables, you get to have a good vision."

"What's that?" I asked him.

"You see that guy who lives beside Mrs. Heather? That guy in glasses?"

"Yeah! He looks like a bug!" I said, giggling.

"Mackenzie!" Mom called, a look of​ disapproval on her face.

"Yes, baby, that bug guy," dad answered, laughing.

"Brandon!" It was dad's turn to get the disapproving look.

"What, babe?" He kissed her cheek, turning back to look at me, "You're gonna end up looking like that if you don't take vegetables."

"That's ew," my eyes widened as I nodded.

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