I really hate this

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After I ran out of the school I didn't come the next few day because A) I was having a puke fest, fun (note the sarcasm) and B) I didn't feel like explaining why I ran out so I just had Nara tell everyone I was sick. After school she would come and bring me tubs of ice cream since I've been craving it a lot lately. Honestly I'm more than scared, I'm petrified. What if I'm a bad mother? What if my daughter doesn't have a dad just like I dont?  What if I have a miss carriage? So many thoughts spin through my head  at once that its impossible for me to think straight. Thank God today is Saturday so I dont have to worry about people wondering why I am yet missing another day of school.

"HEY BITCH!" Nara screams barging through my room in the most loudest manner she can.

"You know I would still of noticed you if you would just of calmly knocked on my door." I raise an eyebrow at her while sitting up in my bed.

"Now you know 'calm' is not part of my vocabulary. Plus that's not as fun as coming in and raising hell."

I shake my head at the crazy girl holding in a laugh. She's my best friend for a reason and one of those reasons is because she's real unlike most girls now a days.

"So today I brought chips and chicken thinking you need a change and actually eat something filling instead of tubs of ice cream. The stuffs down stairs so come and get your currently skinny ass out of bed. Once you have your baby you are coming jogging with me to get your sexy body back together. And no putting up fights, now come on."

I drag my self out of my bed with a small frown on my face knowing that she won't shut up until she gets her way and I dont feel up to arguing so my as well listen. I know she only does it because she cares.

Following her down the steps I hold on to the railing feeling a little dizzy. I'm only about a month pregnant, but its already kicking me in the ass. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I stare wide eyed at the people who are sitting on my loving room couch. Tyler, Marie, and of course Jace. With a glare I turn to face Nara.

"Nara, what the hell," I hiss silently at her as my cheeks heat up. I know I'm a sight to see with my currently messy black hair that's sticking up in all directions, chapped lips and an oversized shirt and some hutchie mama shorts. Sexy right? I probably look like I just had some rough crazy sex!

"Sorry Te, but they asked to come see you to make sure you where OK. At first it was just me and Marie, but the guys insisted to come along. I know if I told you they where here you wouldn't of left your room." Nara gives me a guilty smile and raises an eyebrow. "Sorry?"

I grit my teeth together "You're right I wouldn't of, I look like I've just been dragged through hell and back! Heck I barley know these people so why the fuck are they at my house?"

"I'm sorry Te, but you have to get to know these people. I mean you are having Jaces child." Nara says whispering the last part to make sure no one over hears.

With an eye roll and a deep intake of breathe I plaster a smile on my face knowing once again, Nara is right. I really hate this


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