Part 12- Rewritten

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What happens in every good, yet cliche horror movie? Come on, you all know the answer to this. Is it A) they run out of the house, B) They make friends with the killer, or C) the lights go out and everyone screams?

if you picked C than we have a winner *que applause* Now if you picked the other two than either you're a dumb ass or you're watching a whole other version of scary movies I've yet to see. If there is some kind of hoodie movie where the main characters actually have brains than please give me the name I want to see it.

Nara clings to me as she mutters something about death and Marie hugs her knees to her chest. I roll my eyes.

"Guys, it's storming outside. It's only natural the lights go out."

Just as I say that there is a low creaking sound and sound eerily similar to someone trying to walk lightly as the thunder roars outside.

"Oh, so that's normal during thunderstorms too?" Nara screeches out.

I shake my head no and push her away from me so I can make a run for it. They can stay there if they want, but me and my babies are going to continue living.

"Look you guys can die, I will miss you, but if your stupid asses decide to stay here, that's you. So on that note, adios omegos." I say before taking off towards my kitchen and to the back door not caring if I get soaked. I'm saving my skinny ass.

I hear a loud pitch scream and foot steps behind me. Than I do something everyone does in those scary movies. I turn around. Relief fills me when I see it's Nara with tears down her face. I keep on running, but this time I grab Nara's hand.

"What happened?"

"The-They got h-her." She cries out softly.


"These people in these mask. It was s-so scary."

I force myself not to cry as the adrenaline pulses through my vains. If I cry my vision will get blurry and than I will most likely die. I continue to pull on Nara's hand guiding her to my gate as foot steps run behind us. We are almost to the gate when a loud shriek rings through the neighborhood and Nara's hand sleeps from mine. I turn around to see Nara spiraled on the ground.

"Go without me." She say through her tears.

I give her a look and say "Bitch get back up before you die."

"I'm sorry, I can't go on. I'm good as dead. Save yourself!" She says dramatically.

"Okay, bye! " I say before turning around and running towards the gate, quickly unlocking it and running onto the wet concrete barefoot. I know what I just did was terrible, but one of us needs to make it out alive to tell the police. Plus I've watched way to many scary movies so I know what not to do. By now my white tank top is soaked and my pink lacy bra is on display to the hole world. My tight pink sweat shorts also cling to me and my black hair sticks to my face. I'm sure I look like a cheap prostitute running from her pimp.

How lovely.

Just as I think I made a clean get away a hand wraps around my waist and I'm pulled against a hard chest. I'm about to scream but a gloved hand covers my mouth and a very familiar voice speaks up.


I turn around with a glare and slap Jace's chest as he burst out laughing.

"You should of seen your face."

"It's not funny." I say ripping off his mask. I look behind him to find two more people in costumes which I'm guessing is Tyler and Mark. Next to them is two very angry girls and guess what? Their anger seems to be directed towards me.

Sixteen And Pregnant (Pregnant with the players baby)Where stories live. Discover now