Part 19- Rewritten

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I've been avoiding them for almost a week now. Every time they asked me what was wrong I would just shake my head and tell them I haven't been able to get much sleep due to my pregnancy. They seem to buy it. I also haven't gotten anymore notes in my locker. Thank God.

Today is monday and I'm making my way to the football field so I can avoid my friends during lunch. I reluctantly make my way up the bleachers and take a seat with a sigh. I unwrap my bagged lunch and take a bite of the peanut butter and jelly sandwhich when I feel a presence next to me causing me to look up and find Jace.

"Yes?" I ask before taking another bite of the sandwhich.

"What's going on Aphrodite?"

"Nothing, why would you think something was going on?"

"Maybe because you keep avoiding us."

"I'm just tired."

"Bullshit! Whats going on with you? Is it me? Did I do something? A-are you going to break up with me?" Jace asks as water fills his eyes making me stare at him in shock. Is that what he thinks? I love him, I could never leave him without a proper reason.

"No Jace, that's not what it is."

"Than what is it? You can tell me anything." He says, grabbing my hand and gives it a squeeze as I finish my sandwhich.

"Its... its complicated." I say, telling the truth. I want to tell him everything, but I can't. If I did I would be putting our friends at risk of having a good future, and I can't do that. Not to them. Not for my own happiness. 

I move my book bag down so it can be by my feet and not just laying there, but I failed to notice that I didn't zip it all the way causing a familiar pink piece of paper to fall out. Before I can grab it it has already caught Jace's eyes and he instantly picks it up and forwards his brows.

"What is this?"

"Nothing! Now give it back!" I say all to quickly.

Jace opens it and stands up since I'm trying to grab it out of his hands. He starts to walk down the bleachers in a fast pace as I follow and try to keep grabbing it out of his hands.

"Jace! Give me that!"

Jace turns around with a glare and grinds his teeth together

"This is why you've been avoiding us?"

I look down, not able to look him in his pained blue eyes that are turning a stormy grey showing me his obvious anger.

"I'm going to find who wrote this and kill them!  Who does this? This is sick!" He practically screams making me flinch back.

I guess he noticed hes scaring me so his eyes soften and he lets out a sigh before running his hand through his hair and takes a step closer to me since we are now in the grass. He lightly grabs my cheek and I can feel his minty breathe fanning my face.

"Hey, look at me. Everythings going to be okay, alright?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." And with that his  lips capture mine. My hand instantly wraps around the back of his neck pulling him closer to me. At this point I'm not thinking about the consequences.  I'm just being very selfish. My hands make their way to his soft hair and his thumb rubs soft circles on my hips. Eventually we both pull away our breathes coming out in huffs from the long make out session.

"It amazes me you're still so tiny."

"Well I am only three months and I'm happy because school gets out in two weeks so now no one has to know about the baby... yet."

"Maybe your mom will let you be home schooled after summer since the babies are due in November."

"She probably will. I hope the babies comes exactly November seventh like they suppose to."

Jace chuckles. "Yeah, me too." He says before pulling me into a hug and rubs soft circles on my back. I snuggle my head into his hard chest and let sweet bliss fill me.

----the next day-----

"Jace I'll see you in Drama, I forgot my notes for history." I say forgetting that I had it right after Drama.

"I'll come with you." He says while wrapping his hands around my waist.

"No you won't. If you are late to class again you'll get detention. I'll see you in a few."

Jace reluctantly lets go of my waist and gives me a peck on the lips before he walks into drama. 

I make my way to my locker, slowly opening, scared there will be another note, and I was right. Only this one was black with a skull drawn on it. With shaky hands I open it and see its a lot shorter than before.

I warned you, but you just don't listen now do you? I hope you like hell bitch because that's where you are going to be soon.
-A xoxoxox

I rip the note up and let out a scream of anger. I don't know who's doing this, but they are going to regret it! I'm about to make my way to class when a a cloth covers my mouth and someone starts dragging me backwards. I start to kick and scream, but my screams are muffled by the rag. This would be a good time for a hall monitor or the principal to come out. I'm dragged out the back doors and to the football field where I was yesterday.  I'm instantly thrown down and kicked in my stomach making me cough and look up at the offender to see a female like figure who is wearing a black ski mask only allowing her striking green eyes to be on display

"Hi Aphrodite, its nice to officially meet you. I'm Alice, if you didn't know, which you didn't. " She says in a low tone with a hint of an Australian accent.

"Lets cut the small talk, what do you want?" I ask grudgingly getting up.

"Uh uh uh, I would stay on the ground if I was you." She says pulling out a gun from her baggy jeans before she points it at me.

"Now since you want to get straight to the point, I'll get there.  Eager for your death I see. Now you took Jace away from me so I'm going to take life away from you." That's when a gun shoot goes off and I brace my self for it, for my death. I send a silent prayer to god and scrunch my eyes closed, only it doesn't hit me. I hear another scream, a higher pitched one, and there I see Pen laying on the ground, blood coating her stomach and one of Pens friends chasing after the crazy girl Alice. Alice throws the gun down as she continues to run with Pens friend on her tail. People start to fill up out side and I hear people on the phone with the police. I hear teachers and my friends who are now next to me and Pen. I feel as Jace grabs me and makes me look at him, his face seems blurry and I can't really make out what he's saying. Wet salty substance falls from my eyes but all I can think of is she took the shot for me.

*Pens POV*

"Guys, do you hear that?" I ask the my two friends who are currently skipping gym with me.

"Yeah, that kind of sounds like Aphrodite and another girl, but I can't really make out what they're saying." Says my caramel colored friend,  Jasmine.

"Lets go see what's going on," Says her identical twin, Jayla.

We make our way to the voices and hide in the corner of the building so we can see them, but they can't see us. What we see shocks me and rattles my bones. I see a girl with black ski mask and aqua eyes pointing a gun at Aphrodite.

"Uh uh uh, I would stay on the ground if I was you." She says with an amused voice.

"Now since you want to get straight to the point, I'll get there. Eager for your death I see. Now you took Jace away from me so I'm going to take life away from you." I knew she was about to shoot and something instantly took over me. I run infront of Aphrodite and the bullet hits me straight in the stomach. Pain. That's all I can feel as my body crumbles to the ground. I watch as the girl realizes her mistake as she turns around and runs while Jasmine takes off after her. I watch as she throws the gun to the ground instead of once again using it to which confuses me. People start to fill the football field, but I can't see anyone. My vision is getting fuzzy and everything goes black.

Sixteen And Pregnant (Pregnant with the players baby)Where stories live. Discover now