i really hate this part 2

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   "How are you?" Marie instantly squeals before running up to me and giving me a bone crushing hug.


She pulls away like if someone burnt her and worry crosses her beautiful features. "Sorry! So are you doing any better? I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but you look like you had wild crazy sex about three times before throwing on the guys shirt and random shorts. In other words, you look like shit. But shit with a glow to it."

I shake my head at her not really knowing how to respond to that. Part of me wants to laugh, but the other part is kind of offensive. I know I dont look like the most prettiest flower right now, but dang I didn't need all of that in front of people. If it was just me and her I would be okay with what she said, but the fact there is other people around to hear her state the obvious makes me feel like she's doing to get a laugh. Oh God here come the stupid hormones!  If I ever sound emotional, dont pay attention to it.

"Hey Marie, ease up on. She's been sick lately so it isn't her fault she looks a little ruff." Tyler says defining me with a small smile.

"Hey, to me she still looks sexy," Jace says throwing me a wink. I suppress an eye roll and shake my head.

"Why are you here?" I ask, trying to sound polite, but it doesn't come out that way.

"See Marie! You and Jaces stupid comments made her agitated. Can't keep y'alls mouth shut." Tyler says shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Hey, I was just being honest," Marie and Jace say at the the same time trying to defined their selves.

Before they can get in an all out argument that would be sure to give me a huge headache, I stop them.

"Look guys, I didn't mean it like that. Now Marie I can see since well she for some odd reason decided to befriend me and Nara, but you two? Why would you guys want to come see some girl? Aren't you suppose to be fucking them and not checking up on them? No wonder why the girls get the wrong ideas." Okay woah, where did that come from? That was really rude and I never would of said that if my hormones where it he right state. I sound like a complete bitch.

Hurt passes through both of the guys handsome features as they exchange looks. "Just because you are a girl doesn't mean that we have to be heartless towards you. You aren't exactly like the other girls who cling to us after we, well you know," states Jace kind of nervously.

"Oh, so I wasn't just another 'conquest' no because I was a good fuck right? At least that's what you've been telling Tyler. Well just to let you know you are never ever get anything from me ever again. I'm not one of those whores who enjoy being friends with benefits. I was drunk and so where you. We both had no sense on what was going on. I regret it."

"Daammmnnnn," Marie and Nara course together as they give each other looks.

"A little harsh dont cha think Aphrodite? I mean we where just trying to see if you where okay. Honestly Jace doesn't want nothing from you." Tyler says with a shake of his head. He opens his mouth up to speak again, but is cut off by Jaces laughter.

"No, she's right because all I was after was more sexy. That's all I'm ever after. I can't actually care about how a girl is doing. No, I'm to cold hearted for that. Especially if that girl is someone I use to care about back in the day. Especially if that girl was someone I use to spend hours talking to."

I look at Jace and swallow feeling the back of my throat burn. Looking away from him I remember all the old memories that I barred deep into the back of my mind. We use to be close, we where actually best friends and I thought had a crush on him which I realized was love by the time I was 13. He was always a womanizer, and him being two years older than me just made it that much harder. One day I got up the guts and told him that I love him, thinking he would love me back since I was the only girl he treated like a queen, well next to Marie. I didn't know her since she went to another school at the time and he knew her because their parents where, and still are, business partners.

And you know what he did? He laughed in my face. Told me I was too young to know what love was and that it would only hurt me in the end. He said love doesn't exist. He made me cry and didn't even comfort me like he usually did. He just stood there. From that day on neither of us made an effort to talk to each other. I dont know why my words made him turn so cruel, but it did. He started having sex instead of his usual make out sessions. In a month worth of time everyone knew he was the youngest player to sleep with so many girls in a month. I felt like he did that knowing it would hurt me. Why would he even bring up our past?

"You know what, you are an asshole! Why would you even bring that up! You know that hurts me more than anything," I say in between sobs before bolting up the stairs like the over dramatic brat I was being. God I am a bitch and I brought this upon myself.

I hear a few gasps and Nara making up an excuses saying something about me still being a little sick and having my period at the same time before I hear foot steps falling me up the stairs. I slam my door shut only for someone to reopen it and sit on the bed next to me. Nara wraps her arm around me and gives me a sideways hug.

"Go away," I sob at her.

"Now why would I do that?"

"Because I am being an over dramatic bitch who deserved every word she has gotten so far! I dont even know why I'm crying!"

"Shh hun. You've been under a lot of stress lately and plus your hormones are acting up. I'm going to go and apologize and entertain your, well more like my guest while you clean yourself up and calm down. Come down when ever you're ready. Okay babe? I'll save you some food."


Nara walks out of the room and I look at the door as it swings close behind her. With a sigh I lay back on my bed and close my eyes falling to sleep with in seconds.

_-----------3 hours later_--------------

A loud knock on the door causes my eyes to pop open and a shriek leaves my mouth as I jump ten feet in the air. Another knock sounds from the door and with a sigh I roll off my bed and hurriedly make my way towards the door swinging it wide open to reveal Jace.

"Aphrodite, can I talk to you?"

I'm pretty sure the current look on my face is priceless

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