Like A Ninja

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          When we finally got to school I just told Nara to go on with out me and that I had to use the bathroom. She refused to leave me at first, but since I am really convincive she finally left before she was late. I on the other hand, ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out. I washed my mouth out and have a piece of minty gum in it. I am on my way to my first block and I am planing of sneaking in. As I see the door up a head I run towards it before stopping. I silently open the door and slip in running to my desk. The teacher who is blind as a bat and death as a well old lady, which she is, is still writing equations on the board. Yes i am a NINJA! I do my little happy dance in my seat making a couple of dudes chuckle. My happiness was caught short by Brianna, a nerdy, but snobby girl who thinks she is all that. She is more worse than the sluts, and she isn't all the pretty with her nappy hair and weird squinty blue eyes. She points to me and says "Aphrodite is late!" She sticks her pointy nose in the air as Ms.Carol turns around.

"Oh, Shut-it Brianna. No one likes a tattle tail. I'm sure Aphrodite has a good reason to be late! Isn't that right Aphrodite?" I love her!

"Yes Ms.Carol. I wasn't feeling too well thats all."

         Brianna just sticks her nose higher in the air and crosses her arm over her chest like the little pest she is. She wonders why she has no friends. If she got a blow out and wore some eyelinesr she would actually be really pretty. It is just her nasty know-it-all attitude that stopped me from ever associating with her. I stick my tongue out at Brianna and turn back the teacher as she narrows her eyes at me. Ms.Carol goes back to her lesson as a piece of paper lands on my desk. I look around to see where it could've possibly came from, but no one was looking this way. I un-crumple the paper and look at the note.

I know everything

          What is this? Some creepy joke? Thats when my blood goes cold as relization dawns on me. Does this person know I am pregnant with Jace's baby or is this just some creepy arse joke? I look around the room one more time, but I don't see anyone looking at me. Instead I just crumple up the note and throw it into my bag. Thats when a second note lands on my desk. I look around franticly for the copret. I see Jace's best friend,Tyler, notion me to open it. I see Jace just playing with his pencil completly oblivious to whats going on. I open up the note and I see it says

So the good girl lost her virginity to the bad boy?

This made me furious. It is none of his business and I can't believe Jace is telling people! How long till people think I am a hoe? I furiously scribble down

That is none of your business!

I toss the paper back at him, purposely hitting him on the head. No more then a second later the paper hits my desk.

Don't worry, relax, Jace told only me and no one else

Oh, O.K., but why tell me this?

Idk, I am bored. Lol

You do realize Jace is right next to you right?

Yeah, but all he talks about is how good you are in bed, He says you are his best yet! Way better then the hoes and thats saying something. Those girl are experinced and amazing at it ;). So I really don't feel like hearing that again xD

Well thats awkward 0.0

lol, at least you know you are good

I would of rather of not known that. Too bad he aint gettin' it again and netheir is anyone else

Well at least this news dosn't make you a hoe


                     And that was the end of that. The bell soon rang after. I take my time to get up and swing my book bag over my shoulder. Thats when Tyler, Jace, Mark(his 3rd bff) and Marie (his only girl he has as a friend and also the captian of the cheerleading team) comes over. I give them all a confused look as Marie runs up to me.

"Hi!" She says rather happily. I  raise my eyebrow at her and say "Ugh, hi?" She giggles and rolls her soft brown eyes at me.

"Well Kristie moved so we need a new cheerleader and a little birdy told me that you use to take gymnastics. Is that true?''

"Umm, yeah."

"Well we have try outs on friday. You are really pretty and have a banging body, everything we are looking for. If you can shake what your momma gave you, you could defintly make the team!" She beams at me as the boys chuckle. The thing is Marie isn't your sterotypical cheerleader. She is actually one of the nicest girls you can meet and she is DEFIANTLY not a slut.

"Thanks but no thanks. I-i just couldn't be a cheerleader. I would probaly fall on my butt." I offer her a small smile. Yes, I am clumsy and if I fall I could risk losing the baby. I would never put my child in any type of danger.

                Her smile slightly fades, but her eyes are still warm. "Its O.K. I understand. You can't put t- I mean yourself in any type of danger. If you change your mind just come tell me. We would be happy to have us on our team. You and Nara should eat lunch with us sometime." I smile at her and say

"Will do." But I didn't miss how she was about to say something else 

"OH M GEE! You should totaly sit with us today!" She says jumping up and down. "Oh sorry,  my inner cheerleader came out!" She squeals linking her arms with mine skipping out and the boys following close behind talking about lord knows what.


                  By lunch time Marie came and collected me and Nara. Right now we are sitting at the popular table. I was forced to sit between Tyler and Jace as they threw food at eachother childishly. I look at Nara who was sitting next to Mark and flirting with him. I threw a grape at her causing her to look up at me. 'Help Me' I mouth. She just sends me a knowing smile and mouths 'not to you tell him' At first I get a confused look on my face until I remember. My eyes get really big. 'No' 'Yes' 'No' 'Yes' 'No' 'You have to. Its not fair to him' 'NO!' 'YES!' We didn't notice that the whole tabel was staring at us mouthing things to each other. "Tell who what?" Asks Jace. I mumble a "Nothing" Before getting up and running out of there. What am I going to do?

           HAY GUYS ITS SELINA! HOPE U LIKED IT. MARIE TO THE SIDE PLAYED BY DEBBY RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL ME WHATCHYA THINK!!!!!!!!!!!

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