The Sexy Beast

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Chapter 15 The Sexy Beast

A/N: Omg I fucking love you guys! In one day I got so many new reads, votes and comments! My notifications have been off the hook all day and I'm so happy. I know it might not seem like a big deal to allot of people, but to me it is! I look like the chesire cat because I'm smiling so hard! Anyways I just wanted to take a minute to thank all my lovely readers, so thank you. And if you guys want me to check out any of your books the comment or inbox me. I don't care what you story is about, I will read it. Even if its about and elf having sex with a lion and giving birth to a tree! Nothings a stupid idea to me. I will also comment and vote on your lovely stories as a thank you :)! Anyways on with the story!*****************************************************************************

I told my mom about the kick and she said that she is going to set up a doctor's appointment for me soon (which is way over do. Im like two months now). I'm going to get an altra sound to make sure everything is growing right and all that good stuff!  Anyways me and Jace have already started to pick out baby names. I'm thinking Lyric, Princess, Celeste, or Annabelle (Annah-bell) if its a girl and Jock, Damien, Jace jr or Janek if its a boy (this is where you comment the name you want the baby to be and if it should be a boy or girl). I don't really like the name Jock. It reminds me of Jock strap, but Jace seems to love it, but I'm the one carrying it so too bad for him! I get the Final pick.

Oh my god, I'm starting to sound even more like a stuck up bitch as time progresses. I really need to get this under control. I wasn't raised to be a brat or a drama queen, but it seems that's what I'm becoming. I shake my head and get back to listening to the teacher rant on about physics. The funny thing is is that this is History and I took Physics last year. I don't see how this has anything to do with History.

I doodle on my note book waiting for the bell to ring.  I know right Now half the class is a sleep and the other half are texting on their phones, but the teacher doesn't seem to notice as she carries on, every now and again pushing her libarian glasses back on her pointy noise.

A vibiration (not like that you little nasties who thought of you know what) from my jeans pocket makes me jump ten feet in the air before settling down realising it was just my phone. Putting my pencil down I slide my phone out of my pocket only to see I have two new messages. One from Jace and the othere from Nara. With an eye role I open up Naras first.

Bae♡: Hey boo Math is so boring here without you. I don't even know what the teacher is talking about, like I even Care. Hes lucky he is sexy or everygirl in this class would be knocked out.

I let out a light laugh and shake my head before texting back.

Me: Hey, at least you got a sexy piece of meat to stare at! My history teacher is talking about physics and all I can focus on is her hairy wart right by her mouth she named Pudeous. Did you know she actually talks to it sometimes? Its kinda scary.

I send it and than open Jaces message to see he changed his name to The Sexy Beast.

The Sexy Beast: Hey

Me: Hi

The Sexy Beast: You wanna know the name I have for you in my phone?


The Sexy Beast: Baby Mama Drama #1

Me: Wtf?!?! What's that suppose to mean you asshole!

The Sexy Beast: Chill, I was just playing, calm down. Its really Hoe #1

Me: -.- So disrespectful

The Sexy Beast: Lol, again, jk, its really Baby Girl, and this time I'm not playing.

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