Getting told off

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   Its around eight o'clock when me and Jace make our way back to my house, smoothies in hand and laughing. We've been catching up the last few hours and we had a blast. He's been extra sweet to me and told me anytime I need him he will be available. I found that super sweet, even though he shouldn't of told me that. Guess who's going to be doing all my errands for the next eight months? If you said Jace than you are right! I'm so taking advantage of it, mainly because I'm pregnant and lazy. Yeah, I'm not letting go of that pregnant thing anytime soon. As we walk in my house we see everyone arguing before they stop and turn their glare on us. Nara stomps up to us as her eye twitches. Yeah, she's definitely enraged. She points an accusing finger at us looking like she could kill us any minute.

"You, and you! Do you know we've called BOTH of your phones at least thirty times! No answer, what a shocker! Oh we also drives around town looking for you, still Jo sign! We where worried about you! How immature can two teenagers be! If your mom new about this she would have a heart attack!

You know your not suppose to just run off somewhere with out notifying  anyone where you are going! God help me! I want to strangle both of you! I was just about to call the police!"

Me and Jace share a look that says "Why is she acting like our mom?"

"Look Nara calm down. Its not that big of a deal. I'm sorry I worried you, but I left my phone here and Jace's  died. I know you must of been scared, but look I'm here now and its barley even dark out! Please take a deep breathe in and let it out."

Nara does as instructed letting her self calm down.

"Sorry for going off on you guys like that, but you know how I can get when I'm worried. You're like a sister to me." She says before hugging me.

"I want in too!" Yells Tyler like a toddler before giving us a bone crushing hug.

"Hey! Dont forget me!" Marie giggles jumping into the hug.

"Come on Jace, you big Umph. Join in on the action!" Nara says with a giggle making Jace laugh and hug us too.

"Awe Debby, would you look at that! The kids are having a group hug!" I hear my moms voice float into the living room just as a flash goes off a long with a 'click' making us pull away.

"Mom?" Jace asks as me and him stare at his mom wide eyed. I haven't seen her in years!

"Te, you'll never believe who I ran into at the grocery store! Can you believe it! Awe and Jace is here too! I haven't seen you in years! Look at you, all grown up. When Debby said that you where at your friends house I didn't know she meant here! That's just excellent. I'm going to go cook some spaghetti. All of you should stay for dinner. I'm so excited Ahhh!" My mom squeals like a teenage girl before running into the kitchen with two bags full of groceries leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened.

"Aphrodite!" Squeals Jaces mom as she me envelops me into a hug.

"God, you've grown so much! You are such a beautiful girl, well you've always been beautiful, but now you have a body and I bet your mom has a hard time keeping all those boys away from you. Come over some time will yeah? I know Katie misses you" She says referring to Jaces little sister. The last time I seen her she was only two. She's about five now. Oh how I missed that sweet bundle of joy!

"Mom, please let go of her. You where so focused on her you didn't notice Marie. Plus you dont want to scare her off, now do you?"

Debby let's out a giggle before scooping Marie into a hug as well.

"How are you doing honey?"

"I'm fine Ms. Debby, how about you?"

"I'm great! So all of you go to the same school?"

"Yup," this time its Tyler who replies as she pulls away from Marie.

"Oh hey Tyler, where's Mark?" Debby says scrunching her brows together. "You guys are usually conjoined at the hip."

"He's at home studying. His dad said if he doesn't raise his grades he won't be able to Carston's party next week."

Debby shakes her head before turning to Nara with a raised brow. "Now who is this beautiful lady? I dont think I've ever seen you around. Are you dating one of the boys?"

Nara's face goes red as she shakes her head. "No Ms, I'm just Aphrodite's best friend."

"Oh, well its nice to meet you sweetheart. You are also welcomed over anytime! Anybody a friend of Aphrodite's is a friend of mine." Debby throws Nara a stunning smile before walking into the kitchen, I'm guessing to go help my mom. Only If she new Tue truth, I would be dead.

My mom doesn't know the child is Jace's, and I'm pretty sure if she did she would tell his mom and his mom would murder both of us. She's a very sweet caring lady, but if you get on her bad side you are better of dead.

I know I'm going to have to eventually tell my mom who the baby daddy is, but first I have to have a talk with Jace to set up a date so we can get both of our families together and tell them. I already know Jace is going to get a cursing out of a life time, and my mom is just going to be shocked to know its Jace's child.

Its not everyday your ex best friend gets you pregnant which causes you guys to be friends again.

You know how I said everything might be okay? Yeah, well its not going to be okay. At all.

Sixteen And Pregnant (Pregnant with the players baby)Where stories live. Discover now