Lavender's blue

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Once Upon A Time, in a faraway kingdom, Sansa Stark was humming a song while she swept the floors of Winterfell. Her face was covered in dirt and ashes. Her hands were dry and wrinkled from washing clothes and doing the dishes. But her hope and kindness had not been damaged by all those years of being ordered around by Ramsay Bolton and his girlfriend of the week.

She still smiled when she served breakfast in the early morning, even when Ramsay grabbed her skirt and pulled her closer towards him. She still smiled when she fed the dogs, even when Ramsay wondered out loud what her flesh would taste like. She still smiled when she changed the sheets on the bed, even though she knew that she would be the one sleeping there, with Ramsay's hands and lips in places where she didn't want to feel them.

Once Winterfell had been her home. Once it had been the place where she laughed with her brothers and sister. Once it had been the place where her mother taught her how to lead a household. Once it had been the place where she was surrounded by love and laughter.

Now it was a prison, a cage. The cold stone walls locking her up, away from the world. The once so friendly maids now lowering their glances when they walked past her. The once so galant servants now refusing to talk to her.

"Sansa!" Myranda's sharp voice echoed through the hallway and she placed her hands in her sides when she noticed the red haired Stark girl sitting in a chair next to the fireplace. "You have to help me pick a dress for tonight." She raised her eyebrows when Sansa stood up and put her shoes back on.

Her feet were covered in blisters and at some moments the pain was unbearable, but Sansa had learned how to put on a mask. "Of course, my lady." She nodded her head slightly and followed Myranda to her room.

"At first I thought about wearing the blue one. I know Ramsay likes that one. But then I found this red one. Don't you think it's way more sexy?" Myranda locked her glance with Sansa's.

"I personally think he prefers you without clothes." Sansa stared at her feet and folded her hands behind her back. "He likes every woman without clothes." Her voice was nothing but a soft whisper.

"I know." Myranda shrugged her shoulders. "But I can't show up naked at Dragonstone, can I?"

"Dragonstone?" Sansa looked up and all her muscles tensed. "Why are you going to Dragonstone?"

"King Rhaeger invited all unwed ladies from Westeros. I've heard he's ill and might be dying soon. He wants to be sure that his son is married before he goes."

Sansa frowned her eyebrows and the palms of her hands started sweating.

Dragonstone. That was where Jon worked.

Sansa had met Jon a couple of days ago. She had been sent away to gather some extremely rare flowers and she had not so accidentally gotten lost. For a short moment she had enjoyed the privacy, the freedom, the fresh air, the smell of all the flowers and the wind blowing the trees.

"What's a beautiful lady doing here in the woods all on her own?"

She had looked up when a rider appeared not too far away from her. She had quickly tried to wipe the dirt from her face and she had tried to clean her dress. "I'm not a lady, sir." She had lowered her glance and had stood up to bow. "I'm only a simple servant girl sent away to get some flowers." She had expected the rider to continue his journey through the woods to who knew where, but instead he had come down from his horse and had walked towards her.

"It's dangerous." He had raised his eyebrows. "And there is no need to bow for me."

Sansa had looked up again. She had not spent that many time outside the walls of the castle, not since her father and brothers had been murdered at least, and she had never seen the stranger before. "My name is Sansa." She had left out her last name, considering it unimportant at that time. "I work at Winterfell. And you are?"

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