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"Jon Targaryen!" The sea water carried the voice of his father towards him, but Jon simply flapped his fin and soared away.

Away from the castle. Away from the constant reprimanding. Away from his mother's disappointed glance. Away from his father's judgment.

"You're the crown prince, for Poseidon's sake." Rhaegar roared. "You have to marry eventually!"

Jon put his fingers in his ears and kept on swimming. He couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't smile another fake smile at a girl who was after the crown and diamonds and not after him. He couldn't listen to another endless list of their daughters' useless qualities from mothers who were after a room in the palace. And if his father would tell him one more time that all his queen needed to be was pretty and healthy so she could produce heirs, Jon would do something he would certainly regret at some point.

Was it too much to ask for a girl who was not just pretty, but also intelligent? Was it too much to ask for a wife who wouldn't just want to be queen, but who also wanted him? Was it too much to ask for something like his parents had? Was it too much to ask for a little more time before he would throw his dreams away and would settle for a fake marriage?

"We'll talk about this later, young man!"

Later. Later meant not now. Later meant that for the next few hours they would leave him alone. Later meant time. Not much time, but time nonetheless.

Jon slowed down and he closed his eyes while he broke the surface. The rays of the burning sun warmed his face and the singing of birds replaced the scolding of his father in his ears. He was not supposed to be here. But at least here he could be alone, at least here he could be just Jon.

Not crown prince Jon. Not beloved son Jon. Not husband material Jon. Just Jon.

A smile spread across his face while he let the waves carry him closer to the beach. He loved the water and the company of fishes and sea horse, but he also loved the wind and the warmth of the sand between his fingers while he watched the crabs crawl away from him.

"Leave me alone..."

He opened his eyes again when a soft and weak high pitched voice caught his attention. Usually the beach here was deserted. It was too far away from the human world and hard to reach. And the tide here was too dangerous for humans to swim.

And yet there was someone on the beach now.

"O, come on, Sansa Stark." A male voice replied. "No need to play hard to get. Your father already agreed to our marriage. Whether we do it now or after our wedding, what's the difference?" The man grabbed the shoulders of the young woman firmly and Jon swam a little closer to the shore. "Practice makes perfect. If we fuck now, you might actually be able to enjoy our wedding night." He leaned towards her and his tongue licked her cheek before his lips touched her ear. "And the beach is the perfect spot for our first time."

The red haired girl trembled. She had piercing blue eyes, but tears were rolling down her cheeks. "I said leave me alone!" She raised her hands and placed them on his chest. But her attempt to push the man away failed hopelessly and he only tightened his grip on her.

"You will fuck me, Sansa Stark." He hissed between his teeth and his face was now dangerously close to hers. "If not today, then at least in a few weeks. You can't outrun me." He pressed his lips firmly on hers and then he all of a sudden let her go.

Sansa tumbled over her own feet and fell backwards in the cold sea water. But instead of attempting to get back up again, she just laid still. Awfully still.

"Sansa?" Jon rushed towards her and he let out a relieved sigh when he saw her chest moving up and down. "Are you okay?"

Her eyes flashed open and all of a sudden Jon pulled back. She wasn't supposed to see him. She wasn't supposed to know that he existed, that creatures like him existed. "Do I look like I'm okay?" She pushed herself up and her eyes wandered over his body. When her glance rested on his tail she swallowed. "Okay, I'm probably even worse than I thought." She took a few deep breaths. "Did I hit my head? Do I have a concussion? Am I dead?"

Jon quickly shook his head. "You're none of those things."

"Am I dreaming then?"

Once more Jon shook his head. "You're not dreaming either."

"Well, and here I thought that this day couldn't get any weirder." She let her hand go through her wet hair. "First my father tells me that he found a suitable husband for me. Then when said husband invites me for a romantic walk to get to know each other, it turns out he's a monster. And now a merman is telling me that I'm not dreaming and don't have a concussion."

Jon let out a soft chuckle, but when Sansa shot him a sharp look he quickly pulled himself together and coughed instead. "I'm sorry. It's not funny. I know."

"You do?" Sansa raised her eyebrows and she crossed her arms over her chest. "I bet your father is not just giving you away to a charming young man as some kind of object. Gentle, brave and strong. Yeah, right. Ramsay Bolton is none of those things."

Jon cocked his head and he made himself comfortable next to her. "I'm Jon Targaryen, crown prince of my people and my father isn't really selling me, but he's kinda forcing me to take a wife. One I don't like." He bent his head and he let his elbows rest in the wet sand. "He says I need a queen. And an heir. Mostly an heir I guess." He let out a sigh. "I want a queen. And an heir. But not like this." He flipped his fin and splashed some water in his face. "I want a queen who loves me and an heir born from our love making."

"It sucks to be you." Sansa leaned back too and for a while they just sat there in absolute silence.

"Can't you tell your father that you don't wanna marry that guy?" Jon eventually turned his face towards her, but her mocking smile already answered his question before she opened her mouth.

"Can't you tell your father that you don't wanna marry a girl you don't love?"

He bit his lip and kept quiet for another while. "Maybe marrying wouldn't be so bad if those girls were a little more like you. Fierce and strong and intelligent. And not just after a pretty crown, jewels and a title."

Sansa curled her lips up into a smile. "Didn't you say you wanted to marry a girl you loved?"

Jon shrugged. "I'm saying that I can love someone like you."

"But..." She licked her lips. "I'm not a mermaid." She cocked her head. "And you're not a human who can ask my father for my hand."

Jon shove a little towards her. "Does that mean you wouldn't be against it?"

"I'd much rather marry you than Ramsay Bolton. At least you haven't tried to fuck me yet." She smiled even brighter now and Jon couldn't help but smiling back at her. She was beautiful. She was funny. She was smart. She was everything he had hoped his future wife to be.

"When will you get married?" Jon locked his glance with hers.

The smile on Sansa's face faded. "In two weeks. At the night of the full moon."

"And what would you give to not have to marry that guy?" Jon whispered and he fought the urge to stretch out his hand and touch her.


Jon nodded. "Meet me here. One week from now at sundown." He knew that the magic of the sea witch came at a price. "Say goodbye to everyone you love, but take Ramsay with you."

"What are you gonna do?"

Jon smiled once more and then he slowly slid back into the sea. "I'm gonna tell my father that I'm gonna get married."

"How?" Sansa shook her head and Jon looked over his shoulder one more time before he dived into the deep.

"You will see! Just be there. One week from now. Sundown. With Ramsay."

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now