Under the Mistletoe

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Jon looked up from his book when he heard a soft knock on the door of his dorm. His long black curls were messy and he was wearing nothing but a simple jeans and a white shirt. To be honest, he hadn't really expected anyone.

After all, it was Christmas Eve and he guessed that most people had better things to do today. Like visiting their family, eating way too much and watching silly Christmas movies they had already seen at least a million times.

Whoever was knocking on his door however knocked again and with a sigh Jon stood up and walked towards the wooden door. He was still holding his book when he opened the door only a little bit.

"Jon Snow." A beautiful red head smiled at him and for a moment Jon could just stare.

It was only after a couple of very long seconds that he realized he'd have to say something. "Yeah, that's me?" He cocked his head and the beautiful red head raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What are you doing all alone in your room on Christmas Eve?" She lifted her chin a little and Jon realized he had to look up to look her in the eyes. "The entire house is having a party downstairs in the living room. You should come too."

Jon scratched the back of his neck and he swallowed. "Look, I'm not really the party kind of type. Ask my dorm mates. I'm the boring astronomy nerd who ruins the fun in every conversation."

"I just talked to Robb about that and told him to shut up about it." The girl shrugged and she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Her legs were long and the black dress she wore barely reached her knees. "No one should be alone with Christmas. And don't tell me that your books and stars are all the company you need, because that's bullshit and you know it."

Jon opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again when the right reply didn't really come to mind. What was there to say when a beautiful girl spoke words that were nothing but the truth?

"Are you gonna open that door a little further to come out or are you gonna keep me waiting for the rest of the evening?"

Jon shook his head and all of a sudden he realized he was not really dressed for a Christmas party. "Give me five minutes. I need to change. I wasn't really planning on seeing anyone today." He licked his dry lips and then he furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't even know if I have something that fits..."

He couldn't finish his sentence. The red haired girl grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his room. The book he was reading fell on the floor and he quickly grabbed his key before the door locked behind him.

"It's a student party, not a family gathering with your in laws." She kept on holding onto his hand while she walked to the stairs, as if she was afraid that he'd turn around if she'd let him go. And maybe she was right.

He would turn around if she'd let his hand go.

Her high heels echoed through the hallway while they walked down the stairs. When they neared the living room, he could hear the voices, the music and the failing attempts to sing along with the Christmas songs that were playing.

Jon didn't really want to be here. This was not something he enjoyed. Not even on Christmas Eve. He'd much rather spent his evening in absolute silence, finishing a book or two. At some point he'd maybe order something like pizza, or he'd just look in the fridge to see if anyone had forgotten anything in there.

"Jon!" Robb Stark walked towards him with a glass of champagne in one hand and a big grin on his handsome face. He was wearing a simple black jacket, combined with a white shirt and his jeans, but still he looked like a prince charming, straight out of a fairytale. "I see you met my sister Sansa already?" He nodded at the red haired girl still holding Jon's hand. "She's a noble soul, isn't she?"

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