Last night I dreamt I went to Winterfell again

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Last night I dreamt I went to Winterfell again. I don't think those dreams will ever go away. I don't even know if I want those dreams to go away.

It all started years ago in King's Landing. I was accompanying Daenerys Targaryen, a wealthy young lady who mostly based her entire reputation on the riches her father had gathered. Most of my tasks consisted of packing and unpacking her bags and being her sparring partner during the endless tennis lessons she was taking, even though she was not getting any better. The rest of the time I attempted to converse with her, even though I didn't share her interest in the famous or wealthy.

"Jon!" Daenerys jumped up from her seat and her hand hit my shoulder over and over again. "Do you see who's coming in there?"

I looked up from the book I was reading and I pushed my glasses up to have a better look at the red haired beauty who entered the lobby of our hotel. I had never seen her before, although I vaguely remembered a picture of her in a magazine I had bought a few days ago.

"That's Lady Sansa Stark!" Daenerys spoke too loud to be polite, but she didn't seem to notice how everyone turned their faces to look at her. "Last year she was here with her husband Ramsay Bolton, a charming and very admirable man. He died in a tragic accident with his dogs ten months ago."

I let my eyes wander over her.

She was wearing black from head to toe and her face was hidden in the shadows of the black cloche resting on her long hair.

"Sansa!" Daenerys rushed towards her and she took Sansa's hands in a firm grip. "I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your husband." She tightened her grip and Sansa turned her head so her eyes met mine. "I admire it that you've brought yourself to come here for your annual holiday though."

"We can't all dwell on the past, can we?" Sansa kept on avoiding Daenerys' glance and she curled her lips up into a smile. "How do you like King's Landing at this time of the year?"

I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, for a moment slightly uncomfortable and then I realized she had really been talking to me. "It's a little too perfect, if you ask me." I bent my head and stared at my feet.

"Don't mind him. He's not used to this luxury and world. And unthankful on top of that." Daenerys pushed me aside. "Would you mind joining us for tea?"

Sansa froze for a second and then she shook her head. "No, I have to unpack my bags." Without another word she walked past us and disappeared into the elevator.

"Don't you see what you have done?" Daenerys raised her eyebrows while she turned to me. "Because of your impolite answer she's gone now!"

"My impolite answer?" I swallowed and I scratched the back of my neck. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't. You know nothing. Now excuse me. I feel a migraine coming up. I will stay in bed for a few days."

And so I ended up needing to have breakfast on my own the next day. The entire conversation and everything that had happened had made me nervous, but when I threw over my full glass of water, all over my table, lady Sansa Stark was so kind to invite me to have breakfast with her.

She seemed polite, more polite than she had been the night before. She asked me about my family, how I had ended up serving Daenerys Targaryen and what part of King's Landing I loved most. The moment I had to admit that Daenerys came here every year, but never left the hotel she invited me to visit one of her favorite places.

And since Daenerys indeed wanted to stay in bed all day, I accompanied Sansa to one of the cliffs, looking over the sea.

"I never knew a place could be this beautiful!" I curled my fingers around the railing and let out a deep sigh. Countless birds in all different colors were circling around my head and when I looked down I saw small white dots where tiny ships were sailing over the bright blue water. "Thank you so much for taking me here."

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