Superhero Lullaby

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Sansa Stark slid into her seat right before the professor in front of the auditorium walked to his desk. She was out of breath and her red hair was a mess, but she lifted her chin and straightened her back. If she would act like she was looking like this on purpose, no one would ask any questions or stare at her.

"Rough night?" Jon Snow sat down next to her. His dark black curls were glued to his forehead, either because he had come here straight out of the shower or because he was sweating. He was late, as usual, but he wore a smile on his face while he pushed his glasses higher on his nose.

"That's none of your business." Sansa raised her eyebrows and opened her notebook and her textbook. She stared at the professor in front of the auditorium and pretended to listen to every word he was saying, even though she had missed the beginning of his lecture and couldn't focus on the words right now either. "I don't ask you why you're always late either."

Jon grinned and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't you need to take notes?" Sansa turned towards him and Jon shrugged.

"I have a photographic memory."

"Of course you have." Sansa rolled her eyes and shook her head and she started copying the notes the professor was scribbling on the chalkboard. She would figure out later what it all meant. Maybe she could ask Margaery if she could borrow her notes.

As soon as the professor let them go, Sansa stood up from her seat and walked towards the exit. She carried her textbook under her arm and she stuffed her notebook in the backpack that hung over one shoulder.


She stood still when Jon called after her. "What?" She knew that she sounded harsh, much harsher than Jon deserved her to be. After all, he had never done anything to deserve this tone from her. Unless you counted being nice and cute towards a superhero who had way too many secrets to be able to form meaningful relationships with anyone outside her own family and everyone else working for Renegades inc.

"I..." Jon opened his mouth, closed it again, opened it once more and eventually he left out a deep sigh before he found the right words to say. "I know you're probably gonna say no, but I'll hate myself if I don't ask it." He took another deep breath and tensed all his muscles as if he was physically gaining courage. "My fraternity has a ball next week. Would you want to be my date?"

Sansa held her breath and she tightened her grip on the book she carried under her arm. "Jon, I..." She wanted to say yes. A part of her really wanted to say yes, but she knew that in the end she would only disappoint him. Every time she planned something with someone else she got a last minute call and had to cancel. She didn't want to do that, not to him. He deserved someone who could keep their promises, someone who didn't have anything more important than him. "I'm sorry, I really can't." She stuck the tip of her tongue between her lips. "Maybe you can ask Margaery? She's nice and she doesn't have anyone to go with yet."

"But..." Jon interrupted her and bent his head. "I really wanted to go with you."

"I'm sorry, Jon. I really am. Maybe..." She closed her eyes and swallowed, knowing that she was once again going to promise someone something she couldn't give. "Maybe next time." Before she could change her mind or could make any more promises she would break eventually she turned around and hurried out of the auditorium and the building in general. She walked faster than she should, making sure she disappeared into the crowd before he could come up with the idea to follow her.

"Everything alright, Sansa?" Robb looked up from his book and he locked his glance with hers. "One would think you'd be more cheerful after you successfully caught that murderer this morning right before he could turn another innocent student into a corpse." He didn't even attempt to hide the pride from his voice, but Sansa was not in the mood for compliments.

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now