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Once Upon A Time, in the faraway Kingdom of Westeros, Jon Snow heard his own name, repeated over and over, piercing the endless darkness of his dreamless sleep.

"Jon? Jon Snow? Jon?"

Jon moaned. He turned from one side to the other and he reached for his blanket to pull it up and cover his almost freezing body. But no matter how far his hands reached, there was no blanket and no matter how much he tried to slip back into that comfortable slumber, the voice saying his name became louder and louder.

"Jon Snow!"

His eyes flashed open and he sat up. A scream escaped his dry lips when he felt the aching pain in his back and the stiffness of all his muscles. His comfortable slumber, the endless darkness of his dreamless sleep, had clearly not come when he had expected it. Instead, he sat on the wooden floor of a dark and way too silent inn. He heard soft snoring. He heard rough breaths and once in a while some coughing and after he had blinked a few times he noticed how everyone around him was still asleep.

"Jon Snow!"

He blinked a few more times and then he noticed the pale white female figure in the corner of the inn. She had long red hair covering her curves and she had her legs crossed with her hands folded around her knee. "Who are you?" Jon looked around and he furrowed his eyebrows while he tried to understand the absurdness of this situation.

"Does it matter?" The female had a sharp and strong voice. "The better question is who are you?" She curled her lips up into a mischievous smile and she cocked her head while her glance rested on the young boy completely dressed in black.

"You already know my name." Jon pushed himself up and straightened his aching back. He still carried his sword around his waist and the silver and golden coins he expected to be stolen were clattering in his black leather purse.

"A name is nothing but given by our parents. It doesn't define who we are nor who we can be." The female replied. She had a strange glimmer in her eyes and she kept the sinister smile plastered to her pale white face. "You, Jon Snow, are the prince who was promised. And you, Jon Snow, will be the one breaking the curse keeping the world asleep."

"Me?" Jon widened his eyes and he cleared his throat while he tried not to show the slight nervousness that came over him. "Out of all the soldiers gathered in this inn? Out of all my friends? Out of all the other princes in this kingdom, I am the one to save this world?"

"You are, my prince. Grab your sword and travel north. Go there where the wind is at its coldest and where not even the breath of a dragon can warm you. And if you have faith that his curse is yours, and only yours, to break I promise that nothing can harm you."

Before Jon could open his mouth to say something, to ask the thousand questions lingering in the back of his mind, the woman had disappeared into thin air. He turned around and again and again. He placed his hands on Samwell Tarly's shoulders and shook him and shook him until he was absolutely certain that his best friend was not gonna move. He searched and searched and searched for someone else who was awake. But eventually he discovered that there had been more truth in the woman's words than he liked. And eventually he decided that if the part of the curse was true, then maybe the part of him being the one to break it was true too.

For days Jon Snow walked and walked. He crossed little towns and villages. And in all of those towns and villages not one single person, not one single animal was awake. Even the trees seemed to be sleeping. Some frozen in the last moments of summer, wearing their green leaves and overripe fruit. Some frozen in autumn, dressed in the colors of red and yellow and brown. And eventually the trees wore nothing but a layer of snow. They were naked, empty, waiting for the sun to return and warm them. Waiting for the rain to water and feed them. Waiting for the right time to blossom into the beautiful trees they were supposed to be.

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