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"Really, Jon?" Robb crossed his arms over his chest while he watched how Jon sat down on the green bench in the middle of central park. "After all this time you still believe that that stupid woman at the fun fair was right?" Robb shook his head. "But hey, whatever you want. It's your life you're throwing away." He turned around but looked over his shoulder once more before he disappeared around the corner. "If you change your mind, you know where we are, right?"

Jon nodded and he opened his backpack to grab the book he was reading.

He had tried to convince himself over and over again that he should just let it go, that he was acting on the lies of a fake fortune teller. He had tried to force himself to go after Robb, to the football field to practice with the rest of the team even though the summer holiday had not ended yet and the season had not started again. He had wanted to ignore that little voice in his mind, telling him that he just had to have a little faith.

If he just had a little faith, all would be well.

At least waiting for the woman of his dreams on the old green bench in the middle of central park had done miracles for his reading challenge. During the last few months he had read more books than he had read in an entire year so far.

"Hey..." Sansa slowed down while she neared him. She had a smile on her face and her bright red hair, tied in a bun on top of her head, danced in the wind. Her forehead and skin was covered in sweat, but somehow she still looked beautiful. "Still spending your afternoons here instead of with your team?"

Jon looked up from his book and he nodded. "We play football all year. I just wanna do something else for a while. I'll be busy enough with the team as soon as school starts again."

"I'm not sure if your coach will agree with your slacking and spending your time with your nose in a book instead of running and training." Sansa sat down next to him and she folded her arms around the bench to enjoy the warm rays of the sun. "I know that if I'd come back after the summer holiday without having at least a three miles run a day, my coach will be absolutely furious with me."

Jon closed his book and placed it next to him. "I've seen you running around here every day. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"I won't." Sansa closed her eyes and leaned back to bath in the summer sun even more. Her legs were long and smooth and Jon resisted to urge to touch them with the tips of his fingers. "But if you won't get your ass of that bench soon, you will."

Jon shrugged. "There are more important things than football." Like meeting the girl of his dreams, like that fortune teller had promised him. Like running into the girl that would conquer his heart and would never let go again for the rest of their shared lives.

"Maybe." Sansa agreed and opened her eyes again. "But those things won't get you into college. Unless you have hidden talents I know nothing about, of course."

Jon grinned.

Sansa was a couple of years younger than him, but her confidence went way beyond the amount of confidence he would ever get himself. She knew how to walk and how to talk, but without the arrogance that most other confident girls seemed to combine with it. She had a perfect taste when it came to fashion, but without showing off that she was born into a wealthy family and had more pennies to spend than most others. And most of all: she was kind hearted, warm and welcoming, despite the fact that she was slowly growing into the queen bee of the entire school.

"You don't know everything about me, Sansa." Jon shook his head and laid out his arms on the bench too, accidentally touching Sansa's hand.

"You don't know everything about me either, Jon." Sansa stuck out her tongue and a chuckle escaped his lips.

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now