Sansa and Jon Snow (Orpheus and Eurydice)

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This couldn't be happening.

Sansa shook her head over and over again while she stared at the lifeless naked body of Jon, resting on the wooden table.

Ghost lay protectively underneath the table, as if he too refused to accept that his Jon Snow, his master, his best friend, was gone.

"He can't be dead. He just can't be. It's impossible." She straightened her back and lifted her chin and then she turned around. She walked through the courtyard, where people kept on working as if nothing was going on, as if their King in the North wasn't dead and gone. She walked through the Godswood, where the deafening silence drummed in her ears.

Once she stood in front of the heart tree she banged her fist on the solid wood, ignoring the splinters piercing her skin. "Bring him back!" Her scream echoed all around her. "If that stupid Lord of Light can do it, so can you!" She banged on the holy wood once more and yelled as loud as she could. "You can't take him from me!"

The earth beneath her feet started trembling and shaking. Her lungs struggled for breath, but all the oxygen disappeared from the air around her. She wrapped her arms around her throat and then she screamed again when the ground beneath her all of a sudden disappeared and she started falling.

She fell and fell and fell and fell and when she finally reached the bottom the hard landing knocked her out for what could have been a few seconds or a few hours and everything in between.

"Sansa Stark?"

She looked up and stared at the hand stretched out towards her.

Its skin color wasn't entirely human. Its fingers were a little too long and too bony and a shiver rolled down Sansa's spine.

"I will bring you to my master."

When Sansa looked for a face she saw unnaturally green eyes staring at her. The girl, she at least assumed it was a girl, wore branches in her hair like it were braided crowns and her entire face had something earth-like. "Who are you?"

"That's not important right now." The creature shook her head and impatiently she moved her fingers. "You don't have much time. If the master changes his mind, your King will be gone forever."

Sansa swallowed and licked her dry lips. But what did she have to lose? Jon was dead. Gone. Ripped from her way before his time. If this was her only chance to get him back, no matter how weird and strange this all seemed, she had to grab it and go for it. Firmly she grabbed the strange hand and much to her surprise the forest creature pulled her up easily, as if she didn't weigh more than a small feather.

"Follow me." The creature started running and Sansa had to lift her skirt and take of her high heels to follow in those strange footsteps.

They rushed through a labyrinth of roots and caves. Sometimes they passed other creatures, just like the one she was following, but most of the time it was just the two of them and the echo of their running footsteps.

A piercing pain stung in her side. Her lungs were struggling to keep on breathing. Sansa felt the veins in her neck beating and she heard the soft hushing of her own heartbeat in her ears. Her ankles wobbled dangerously on the uneven ground, but she kept on running and running and running.

Until all of a sudden the creature stood still in front of a wooden throne.

The old man sitting on it seemed more dead than alive and yet his eyes stared at her as if he could see right through her. As if he could see her past, her present, her future. As if he could see her body, her soul and every miserable thought rushing through her mind.

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum