Kingdom (Sequel to "Water")

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Sansa's heart hammered against her ribs. A thousand, or maybe even a million, thoughts were running through her head and most of all she prayed. There were so many things that could go wrong and she didn't want to think of what would happen then.

Ramsay had made his plans with her quite clear. And each and every of his plans terrified her.

But when she had tried to tell her mother about it, her mother had only assured her that every girl was terrified of her wedding night. Sansa had not even listened to the rest of her mother's so called pep talk.

Her parents had clearly no idea what kind of man Ramsay Bolton really was and what he really wanted to do with their daughter. If they had known, they certainly wouldn't have promised her hand to him in marriage.

"I knew you would change your mind soon." Ramsay had his arm tightly around her shoulders. He didn't seem to notice that all her muscles were tensed. Or maybe he simply didn't care. He thought he would finally get what he wanted and probably that was all that truly mattered to him.

Sansa forced herself to smile however.

Maybe she had been hallucinating Jon Targaryen. Maybe his father would make it impossible for him to show up. Maybe he already regretted promising Sansa a way out of the miserable life that was waiting for her. Maybe she would end up regretting bringing Ramsay here, telling him that she had thought about what he had said and that she did want her first time to be here, on this beach.

Ramsay leaned towards her and his warm breath touched her ear. "I can be very gentle if I want to."

She doubted if his definition and her definition of gentle were even remotely the same, but she turned her face towards him and nodded. "Thank you." She bent her head and stared at her bare feet covered in sand. From the corner of her eyes she watched the setting sun.

Jon would be here at sundown.

She only had to make it through the next few minutes.

Next to the shore Ramsay stood still to face her. He had a devilish smirk on his face and there was something gleaming in his eyes that Sansa didn't quite like. There was actually quite little about him that she liked. "Do you have any special wishes for tonight, my lady?"

The wind carried his whispers towards her and Sansa straightened her back. "Yes." She spoke firmly. Her eyes scanned the surface of the sea, but she didn't see Jon anywhere.

But Jon was a merman. He could be anywhere. Hopefully he was anywhere near.

"I want to do it in the sea."

The smirk on Ramsay's face brightened and in one smooth movement he pulled his shirt over his head. Looking at his bare chest almost made her throw up and once more she stared at the waves crashing on the beach.

She took one more deep breath and then she took off her thin summer dress. She didn't like how Ramsay's eyes scanned her almost naked body. She didn't like the tip of his tongue licking his lips while his glance rested on her bra. She most of all didn't like the sweaty hands he placed on her hips, his thumbs resting on the insides of her thighs.

"Relax, Sansa Stark." If his touch was meant to be comforting it failed hopelessly. "Just try to enjoy it. I certainly will." He pressed his lips on hers and for a moment Sansa was unable to move or kiss him back. But that didn't seem to bother Ramsay at all.

The few seconds that passed seemed to last days, but eventually he stepped back and pulled down his pants which gave Sansa the chance to rush into the sea to wash her lips with salted water.

"Good..." Ramsay wrapped his arms around her and Sansa felt a strange and unwelcome pressure in her back. "You already made yourself wet." His hand shove down her stomach into her briefs and Sansa closed her eyes firmly.

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now