Happy New Year

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Sansa rolled her eyes when her phone bleeped, again. She had slowly reached the point where she didn't even dare to look at her screen anymore. She had simply gotten a few messages too many telling her that somehow someone was not going to make it to her New Year's Eve party tonight. But with a sigh she grabbed her phone anyway and she felt a tear rolling down her cheek when she saw her brother's message pop up on her screen.

Dear Sansa, I am really sorry to send you this message, but my fraternity is throwing a big party tonight and although they didn't say it with too many words they really prefer me to stay here instead of coming to your party. Will I see you tomorrow so we can wish each other a happy new year? X Robb

Sansa tensed all her muscles and she threw the glass that was on the table on the floor. It shattered into a thousand pieces, but Sansa couldn't be bothered by it. She bought it for the party tonight and it seemed she had more then enough glasses now anyway.

She had announced this party weeks ago. She had spent days in the kitchen to prepare tonight's meal. She had bought ten bottles of expensive champagne because she wanted everyone to remember this night.

And now everyone had cancelled. Her brothers had cancelled. Arya had cancelled. Theon had of course cancelled too. Margaery and Loras had cancelled. Everyone had cancelled apart from Jon.

Sansa took a few deep breaths while she stared at the food on the kitchen table. Her apple pie with cinnamon spread a Christmassy smell, one she had actually liked when it had come fresh out of the oven, but all of a sudden the smell made her sick. She should send Jon a message. She should let him know that the party was not happening. But she couldn't bring herself to actually grab the phone and do so. Because if she would tell Jon that there wouldn't be a party tonight, she would probably end up being alone.

Instead she straightened her back and lifted her chin. She dried her tears and finished the preparations as if the big party was still happening. She put the candles in the cake, filled two glasses with champagne already and placed the casserole in the oven.

Once she was done with all the preparations she stepped into the shower and washed away the smell of sweat and too much time spent in the kitchen. When she felt clean and fresh again she took the prettiest dress she owned from her closet and searched for the expensive earrings her parents had given her for Christmas. As soon as the sun was setting she lit all the candles in the living room and sat down in her comfortable chair with a book.

Half an hour later she was interrupted by the doorbell. Quickly she stood up from her seat and rushed towards the door. "Jon!" She forced her lips to curl up into a smile. "I'm so glad you came tonight!" She pecked his cheek and took the bouquet of roses he had brought with him without giving him the chance to say something. "I will put these in a vase and then I'll get you something to drink, alright?" She stepped aside to let Jon in and kept the smile plastered on her face while the frown on Jon's forehead deepened.

"Are you alright?" He cocked his head while he took off his jacket. His curls looked a little messy and although he wore a nice plaid shirt he had not bothered to change into something else than his usual jeans.

Sansa nodded. "I'm fine, how are you?" Maybe she sounded a little too enthusiast, but she preferred that over letting on that she was bitter about the big end of the year party that was not happening anymore. "Didn't you have too much trouble with getting here because of the snow?"

It had been one of the many excuses she had received today.

"I left a little earlier, but it was doable. Am I the first to arrive?" Jon stared at the empty coat rack. "Or did everyone keep their jackets on?"

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now