All I you

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This was what she wanted. This was what she had dreamed of all her life. This was why she had thanked her father, over and over again. But now she was here, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and a castle she didn't know, she was not so sure anymore.

Only a few weeks ago she had left Winterfell, excited about all the adventures waiting for her in the south. She had been looking forward to the parties, the music, the dancing and all the girls her age she would meet. But a part of her heart longed for her own bedroom, where she had dreamed countless of nights away and had written passage after passage in her diary.

A part of her heart missed her family terribly, her father, just but always right, her mother, strict but only because she loved her, her older brother Robb, who liked to tease her but also dried all her tears and her younger brothers Bran and Rickon, even though they were loud and didn't understand a thing of the world yet. She even missed her sister Arya, who was so unlike her in every way possible and had irritated her daily.

"Are you ready, Princess Sansa?"

Sansa nodded.

Jon's aunt was her age and absolutely beautiful. Her white hair was braided in a complicated pattern and her blue dress accentuated her curves and shape. For a long time Westeros had been certain that Jon and Daenerys would marry, just like so many Targaryens before them, to keep the blood of the dragon as pure as possible. But to everyone's surprise, Jon's father had reached out to Eddard Stark. And when Eddard Stark had asked his eldest daughter if she wanted to marry the future king of Westeros, she hadn't had to think twice about it.

Right now her sudden answer seemed foolish, stupid and naive. Her father might have promised to find her a good man and he had assured Sansa that he wouldn't have even asked her if she wanted to marry him if he had not seen for himself that Jon was such a good man. But looks and public behaviour could be deceiving. Who knew what happened behind closed doors? How Jon was towards his family and close friends? He could have been wearing a mask.

Daenerys nodded towards the guard and the giant wooden doors were opened.

The throne room was filled with people. Laughter and chatter thrummed in Sansa's ears and it was only when a servant announced Princess Daenerys Targaryen and Princess Sansa Stark that a small path was cleared to let the two girls through.

Every pair of eyes followed the red haired beauty from the North and Sansa tried to smile even though her hands were shaking and her knees were trembling. With the tips of her fingers she lifted her skirt up to make sure she wouldn't trip over the hem. And while everyone in the room tried to catch a glimpse of her, Sansa focussed on the young prince standing next to the throne of his father.

In a way he looked nothing like the princes she had always dreamed of. He wasn't blond. He didn't have blue eyes. He wasn't tall and he didn't look perfectly groomed. Stubbles covered his chin and cheeks and half of his long black curls was tied into a ponytail. The other half hung loosely around his face as if he hadn't even attempted to tame them. He had his hands folded on his back and while their glances met she noticed the deep frown on his forehead.

Her heart raced in her chest and adrenaline rushed through her veins. What if Jon actually didn't want her? What if this was his father's idea and he was in love with someone else but just couldn't protest? What if the frown on his forehead was because he didn't think she was pretty or kind or worth his love and heart?

"Princess Sansa." Jon stepped forward and he reached for her hand, lifting it up to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles. "I hope your journeys wasn't too uncomfortable?" He looked up at her and his brown eyes met her blue ones. His hand was still holding hers and she could feel his palm sweating.

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now