Seasons of Love

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The streets of London were colorless and empty. The grey pavement glimmered in the november rain and the few people who had left their houses were hiding in their jackets or under their umbrella's. Tourists were crowding the musea, but everyone ignored the little bookstore where the pumpkins and spiders and ghosts had not yet been taken away.

"Excuse me?"

Jon looked up when a young girl walked in.

Her hair was glued to her forehead. She was soaked from head to toe. She would most likely ask for a towel, a place to stay until the worst had passed, maybe a warm cup of coffee which he couldn't make because the coffee machine had broken down this morning. "They told me you are probably the only bookshop in town who has the book I'm looking for."

Jon cocked his head and put the book he had been reading himself aside. "I doubt that."

His bookstore was only slightly bigger than his own apartment and fitted ten times into the megastores everyone had at least heard about. And even though the bookcases reached the ceiling and the movable wooden stairs were needed to grab the books from the top shelves there were not enough of them to compete with the enormous collection of the Barnes and Noble.

"I'm looking for this book with poems." She gave him a wrinkled piece of paper with a messy written title on it. "The other stores can order it, but it will take weeks to arrive and if there is a chance I can get it sooner..."

Jon didn't give her the chance to finish her sentence. He curled his lips up into a smile, walked towards the bookcase in the far right corner and started to climb the wooden stairs. With the small bright blue book covered in a slight layer of dust in his hands he eventually walked back to the counter. "It's our last one."

The girl curled her lips up into a smile. "It seems that it's my lucky day after all then." She was pretty, despite the wet hair and wet clothes. "How much is it?"

Jon shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "It's free." He smiled back at her and made a mental note that he had to order Christmas themed wrapping paper, just in case more people would find his bookstore in the upcoming weeks. "It's a present from me for you."

The girl frowned her eyebrows, but she took the book when he gave it to her. "That's very kind of you."

"It's a 'I hope you'll come back to my shop present' too." Jon swallowed.

"I sure will."


The streets of London were covered in a tapestry of white snow. Endless trails of quick footsteps were left behind by last minute shoppers who had not yet gotten all of their presents. Sometimes a lonely red glove had been left behind by someone who had no time to go back to find it. In the small bookstore an old vinyl player played an even older Christmas song with the owner as its only listener.

"Excuse me?"

Jon didn't need to look up to recognize her voice. He didn't get that many customers. He for sure didn't get many who stuck with him.

Snowflakes glimmered in her bright red hair. She wore a thick jacket and a sweater. She had exchanged her high heels for comfortable and warm boots. She had already looked beautiful in november. She looked even more beautiful in december it seemed.

"Can I help you?" He put down the book he was reading himself, a blue bundle with poems he had never looked at before.

"I'm looking for presents for my siblings." She let her eyes wander over the messy shelves, over the few Christmas decorations Jon could afford. "And I remembered this very kind bookshop owner who has given me a book for free." She cocked her head slightly.

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