Runaway Bride

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"Come on, faster!" Sansa Stark yelled at her horse while the early morning wind blew in her face. Her cheeks were almost as red as her hair and her heart was trying to break her ribs in two. Her entire body begged for her to stop, to stand still, to take a break. And her body wasn't the only one. But Sansa Stark didn't have time for a break. She didn't have time to stop. She didn't have time to stand still. She had to make sure there was as much distance between her and Winterfell as possible before her parents would notice she was gone.

"Do you trust me, Sansa?" Her father had whispered, last night, right before he had pressed a soft kiss on her forehead and sent her to bed.

"Yes." She had answered, even though she hadn't meant it.

"I promise you'll be happy."

But how could she be happy with a man she had never met? How could she be happy in a castle so far away from her parents, her family? How could she be happy when her hand was given away to form an alliance between the Targaryens and the Starks and not because Sansa had hopelessly fallen in love with a handsome prince? How could she be happy when all her dreams and hopes and wishes were shattered and broken as if they were nothing?

And so instead of wearing the beautiful wedding gown her mother and septa had made her to marry the Targaryen prince, Sansa had run away.

She didn't know where she was going. It didn't even matter. Everything was better than being a piece in a game her father had sworn not to play.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Jon raised his eyebrows when he stared at Samwell Tarly, Maester in training and the only friend he actually had.

"Well..." Sam stuttered. He had his hands folded in front of him and stared at the wooden floor beneath his tapping feet. "Ned Stark just informed us that his daughter is nowhere to be found. The..." Sam swallowed. "The fresh snow makes it impossible to know where she has gone, but a horse disappeared from the stables too, so it looks like she deliberately ran away from you."

"She doesn't even know me." Jon let out a deep sigh. "It's not me she's running from. It's this stupid arranged marriage our parents forced us into she's running from."

"I'm sure they'll find her back." Sam looked up, but Jon stared out of the window, at the freshly fallen snow covering Winterfell.

He was far away from home and far away from his father who had simply ordered him to go here to wed the Stark girl and to bring her with him to Dragonstone afterwards, preferably pregnant.

And not once had he questioned his father's decision. Not once had he wondered if the girl wanted to marry him. Not once had he thought about her happiness. Nor his own.

But she had. She had simply taken matters into her own hands and had started running.

And even though he should feel betrayed and left right now, he didn't. He felt admiration for the girl refusing to bow for old rules that made hardly anyone happy. He felt admiration for the girl who chose her own happiness over politics and shady scheming. And he wished he had come up with the idea before she had had to.

Because now he felt the desperate need to go find her and make sure she was safe and okay.

The roads leading her away from Winterfell were empty. It was too early in the morning for travellers, but it was already too light for the robbers who preferred operating in the dark.

Every few seconds Sansa looked over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't followed. In her mind she could hear the screaming voices of her father's men chasing her, but every time she checked there was nothing but emptiness and a little more distance between her and the arranged marriage she was trying to flee from.

Jon Snow & Sansa Stark - Game of Thrones FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora